

Meet five friendly ducks in this exciting addition to the much-loved That's not my... series. Babies love the best-selling That's not my... books with their bold illustrations, patches to stroke, and
The enchanting fairytale retold through simple and engaging text with stunning original artwork. Gerda and Kay are best friends, until Kay suddenly changes. Then he is kidnapped by the wicked Snow Que
A charming introduction to gardening for absolute beginners, with simple instructions for plants that anyone can grow - even without a garden. Step-by-step illustrated instructions show children how t
Budding meteorologists will love this new addition to the popular Beginners series, providing an exciting introduction to all kinds of storms, from blizzards, hailstorms and thunderstorms to tornadoes
A fact-packed, beautifully illustrated, all-round introduction to the human body and how it works.Full of extraordinary photographs, detailed diagrams, stunning scans, x-rays and microscope images of
A bright, lively introduction to space with simple text, amazing photographs and detailed illustrations. Provides simple explanations to questions such as "What are stars made of?" "Why does the Moon
Where do penguins live? What do they eat and how do they catch their food? Beginner readers can find answers to these questions and more in this colourful information book. Illustrated with stunning p
From the tops of the trees to the forest floor, this book is full of some of the weird and wonderful things that live in rainforests. But the world's rainforests are in danger - find out why and what
The COVID-19 pandemic isn't over, but even as governments around the world strive to put it behind us, they're also starting to talk about what happens next. How can we prevent a new pandemic from kil
Penguin | 2 Obchody
Dornova metoda je jemná manuální terapie, jejíž pomocí jsou klouby, obratle i brány energie bezpečně a přesně uváděny do původních správných poloh. Děje se to dynamicky, za aktivní spoluúčasti pacient
Poznání | 2 Obchody
Vychází druhé, podstatně doplněné a rozšířené vydání publikace Rukověť mediátora aneb co je dobré vědět nejen ke zkouškám mediátora. Rukověť tak nyní poskytuje komplexní studijní materiál k přípravě n
Wolters Kluwer | 2 Obchody
Krasopsát může každý! Moderní kaligrafie nemusí být dokonalá, naopak drobné nedokonalosti a chybičky mohou být sympatické.Chcete někomu vlastnoručně nadepsat přání, ale škrábete jako kočka? Tato kniha
Zoner Press | 2 Obchody