I'm a lawyer working in the online legal research space. I'm looking for cofounder/s/investors to help me create a global market-place for legal information. Legal info is consumed by: - A) People who info to help them with their own legal problem. - B) Lawyers who require legal info to enable them to do their job. Legal info is created by: - C) Lawyers who want to showcase their expertise so as to attract new clients. - D) Lawyers looking to sell content as an alternative revenue stream to hourly billing. User A might use Google, sift through many irrelevant search results, would eventually be directed to many different sites of varying credibility. User B typically spends thousands of dollars a year for paid research platforms. I work at one of the leading companies in this space and I see how bloated, overpriced and inefficient the products. There are huge improvements to be made in how legal info is captured from those who have the expertise, and distributed to those willing to pay for it. User C typically publishes legal info on their own websites and on various publications. But if there was a platform that led the way in storing and indexing legal info, attracting readers, while promoting publishers so as to help them generate leads, this would be the obvious place for user C to publish. Users D is a market to be created. The production of legal content is currently monopolized by the big legal publishers (like my employer), but there is an opportunity to do for lawyers, what SubStack does for bloggers. My idea is a global legal platform catering for the 4 use cases above. If you assemble the users you draw in the content creators, and vice versa. Lawyers can self-publish legal opinions, templates, checklists etc. They are prompted to tag the content by jurisdiction, category etc and to cite related case law and legislation. We organise the legal info in ways that make it really useful for readers, with advanced filtering, search, recommendations, and cross referencing. We become the Google for legal info. The majority of content is free to consume and we monetize by granting paid publishers extra prominence, reporting, and lead gen tools. But we can then also add an editorial layer to curate, procure, and review selected content. This editorial layer creates certain content that is more authoritative and credible. You can charge for this layer of content which allows you capture market share from the entrenched legal publishers. Path to market? we start by tackling a narrow horizontal, ie one area of law (fundamentals of doing business in various countries) as a starting point. Its a manual process of reaching out to content producers and law firms and gradually getting them to load content. For a year or 2 you struggle but at some point you have enough good content to attract high volume of readers organically and then content producers naturally want to load content. ABOUT ME In my late thirties. I'm using a throwaway account so that my company does not find out. But I will disclose all info in full in private. I'm deeply embedded in this space and I've seen all of the above use cases first hand. After qualifying as a lawyer I founded a legal info site that caters for use cases a, b and c (for a certain country, not global). This website attracts close to 100k unique readers a month a hundreds of high quality leads for the lawyers that write on the website (use case C) I've since sold that platform and now work at large multinational legal publisher. Unfortunately my company is too large and dysfunctional to really deliver on the full capability of this product. They also do not understand how the 4 use-cases above fit together and they dont have an efficient model to pull this strands together and deliver on them in a sustainable way. My frustration leads me to wanting to go independent. I'm a generalist and very resourceful. I know quite a bit about tech, SEO, UX, product management principles, and the legal market. WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR I need a team to help build the product and I need finance. So it could mean taking on a CTO, or it could be someone with access to seed finance and who can help me hire a dev lead, or a combination thereof. In order to leave my job and devote myself full time I need a starting salary of around 70k$ per year. deally I would like cofounders who understand how to get finance and who can build the right kind of network. I primarily want to focus on the product. growth and revenue model as much as reasonably possible. Ideally my cofounders are well suited for this space and are in it for the long haul. submitted by /u/whowantstoknow11 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/mvfbtf/zafbiz13_lets_create_a_global_legal_info/
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