Elastic Stack 8.1.3 released

Version 8.1.3 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. The 8.1.3 patch release contains a fix for a potential security vulnerability. Please see our security announcement for more details. This release addresses some notable issues in our Observability and Security solutions: A bug where the APM Server might run out of memory when overloaded by too many incoming requests. Users running APM Server versions 8.0.0 up to 8.1.2 are advised to upgrade immediately. Multiple issues that impacted Elastic Security UI performance in environments with a high number of field mappings. A bug where the binary verification will fail when upgrading the Elastic Agent through the upgrade cli command or through the Fleet UI upgrade feature. The bug was impacting 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 releases. This 8.1.3 patch release contains other fixes and small enhancements for the stack. For more details and a full list of changes for each product, please refer to the release notes: 8.1.3 Release Notes Elastic Stack

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Vytvořeno 3y | 20. 4. 2022 21:21:32

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