There is a great disturbance in the Force...From the sleek ships ofthe glimmering Coruscant skyscape to the lush gardens of pastoralNaboo, dissent is roiling. The Republic is failing, even under theleadership of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, elected ten yearsearlier to save the crumbling government. Separatists threaten war,and the Senate is hopelessly divided, unable to determine whetherto raise an army for battle or keep the fragile peace. AnakinSkywalker has come of age in a time of great upheaval. Thenineteen-year-old apprentice to Obi-Wan Kenobi is an enigma to theJedi Council, and a challenge to his Jedi Master. Time has notdulled Anakin's ambition, nor has his Jedi training tamed hisindependent streak. When an attempt on Senator Padme Amidala's lifebrings them together for the first time in ten years, it is clearthat time also has not dulled Anakin's intense feelings for thebeautiful diplomat. The attack on Senator Amidala just before acrucial vote thrusts the Republic even closer to the edge ofdisaster. Masters Yoda and Mace Windu sense enormous unease. Thedark side is growing, clouding the Jedi's perception of the events.But even as the Republic falters around them, Anakin and Padme finda connection so intense that all else begins to fall away. Anakinwill lose himself - and his way - in emotions a Jedi, sworn to holdallegiance only to the Order, is forbidden to have.
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18. 2. 2024
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