Daniil 1420 and Konstantin @INSIDERUSSIA ... How to break the “I AM APOLITICAL” mindset? Who will you vote for in the elections? 100 Russians. 1y | 1420 Russian man: "Evil happens because good people are silent" 1y | 1420 Putin’s opposition is not allowed to the elections. GREAT?! 1y | 1420 Russian lady tells everything like there's no tomorrow 1y | 1420 Rural Russians, why do you support Putin if you live poorly? 1y | 1420 Why LGBT is extremist organization in our country? 1y | 1420 We are better than the US. But in what exactly? 1y | 1420 300K? 1y | 1420 We are slaves... Aren't we? 1y | 1420 Putin is the richest man in the world 1y | 1420 << < 8 9 10 11 12 > >> Přidat se ke skupině Vyhledávání VytvořenoJeden denPoslední čtyři dnyMinulý měsíc Choose a Group1420 Choose a User Seřazeno podlepodle relevanceUpvotedNové prvníPočet záložekPočet komentářů Vyhledávání