[USA][TECH][10] Hedge fund trader looking for engineer for AI farmer hedging platform.

Hey guys and gals, For too long, farmers have been short-changed. In a world where data is exploding, farmers have found it increasingly harder to keep up to date with what matters in global commodity markets and effectively sell or hedge their produce. They often rely on intuition, stale information, or often, an uninformed marketing consultant who rarely has aligned interests. I'm building a team to help build a platform enabled by big alternative data sets and AI to wrestle control away f

4y | Cofounder
[Meta] No social media startups are allowed to be posted here until after 4/1/2021 due to scams and it being too big of a time sink for me.

Due to the political climate here in Washington and the fact I have wasted most of my Saturday being messaged about this by angry people who want to start a new social media platform they can invite people who are now banned from Twitter onto, etc, I am banning all social media platform startups form posting in this subreddit for "I want to build a new twitter " and "I want my own facebook" style posts for the next 3 months. I hate doing this, for the record. This has been of

4y | Cofounder
[Meta] Requirements for Posting/New mods.

There is a new title format that must be respected to make this reddit easier to use. Format: [LOCAL COUNTRY NAME ISO 3 ALL CAPS][YOUR MAIN ROLE (TECH/BIZ/SALES/HR)][YOUR YEARS EXPERIENCE POSITIVE INT NUMBER or 0] your title ending with period. The ISO-3 names for countries can be found online via google or at https://unstats.un.org/unsd/tradekb/knowledgebase/country-code For Example if I would post for myself: [USA-WA][TECH][30] Tech Co-founder seeks project that lets him love and defend the w

4y | Cofounder
