Privacy Enhancing Technologies: An Introduction for Technologists

Making data open and available to all helps us all understand our world and are thus better informed to shape the policies to run it. But such openness does come with problems - one in particular is the invasion of people's privacy. Detailed census information about household income helps debate and planning for local government, but can reveal personal information that citizens reasonably prefer to keep private.

Dependency Composition

Developers commonly ask "what framework should we use for dependency injection". Daniel Somerfield explains why this is the wrong question, instead we should focus how to have clearly separated modules with a simple composition mechanism between them.

Emacs xref stopped working on Macs with dumb-jump

Recently I found that xref in Emacs had stopped working for me on my mac laptop. Today I finally tried to figure out what went wrong. xref is just a front-end, all the work is done by backends. It took a while for me to realize (ie remember) that I was using the excellent dumb-jump package as the backend. dumb-jump uses a range of fast search commands (such as ag and ripgrep) to detect references without using the awkward tags tables that E

Using ChatGPT as a technical writing assistant

My colleague Mike Mason is an experienced software developer and architect. He's also an skillful writer, with a couple of books under his belt together with plenty of writing for Thoughtworks, including a regular macro-trends article and contri

What Does a Technical Author Look Like?

While working with my colleague Mike Mason on a forthcoming article, we asked Stable Diffusion to come up with portraits of technical authors. We thought the results were worth sharing.


An example of LLM prompting for programming

A couple of weeks ago I watched a fascinating Zoom call hosted by Xu Hao, Thoughtworks's Head of Technology in China. He showed an example of how he uses ChatGPT to help him code

Slack in your plans

Recent discussions with my colleagues showed that many software teams still run into trouble because they pack too much planned work into their iterations. Teams will usually run better when they have deliberate Slack, as it allows their delivery to

Brass Birmingham becomes #1 on BoardGameGeek

A couple of weeks ago Brass Birmingham became the 8th game to top the ratings on BoardGameGeek - here's why I like it so much


Shaky Twitter Two Factor Authentication

Accessing Twitter this morning, I was greeted with a prompt saying that they were getting rid of text messages as a form of two-factor authentication unless you subscribed to Twitter Blue. I thought “fine”, because I don’t use text messages for that, preferring a one-time code managed by 1Password. I clicked through and it told me it had removed the text message two-factor that I didn’t have, and would I like to set up something using a one-time code or hardware dongle? It seems that Twitter

Modularizing React Applications: adding a new feature

Juntao Qiu now demonstrates how the refactored structure helps him deal with adding a charitable donation to
