I'll get $1,000 in dividends this year

A very proud moment for us.

42 yo (wife is 39). We have a 13 yo child. We own (6 yrs left on a 15yr at 2.9%) and contribute to our 401k (we both get our employer match and contribute more but do not max it out at $22.5k) and we both will max out our each of our Roth accounts this year for the first time.

We also have a brokerage/taxable account with just north of $50k in it (we've been contributing monthly for 5 yrs), invested in ~20 companies

Microsoft to appeal IRS request for nearly $29 billion in back taxes

Microsoft plans to contest a US Internal Revenue Service request for an additional $28.9 billion in back taxes for the years 2004 to 2013, the company said in a securities filing Wednesday.

The demand is the result of a yearslong audit by the IRS into Microsoft’s past accounting practices. In particular, the agency took issue with how the company “allocated profits … among countries and jurisdictions,” Microsoft said in the filing.

“The IRS says Mi

r/Stocks Daily Discussion Wednesday - Oct 11, 2023

These daily discussions run from Monday to Friday including during our themed posts.

Some helpful links:

r/Stocks Weekly Thread on Meme Stocks Saturday - Oct 07, 2023

The meme stock scheduled posts will now run weekly and post Saturday afternoon and won't be a sticky; you're probably seeing this because automod sent you here!

Full list of meme stocks here. This will be updated every once in a while.

Welcome traders who just can't help them selves discuss the same exact stock that's been discussed 100s of times a day. I get it, y

SPHR - Las Vegas Sphere

Hi everyone, anyone look into SPHR? The venue looks amazing and I can see it spreading across the globe. I just started to look at the stock this morning and it’s enterprise value is higher than market value. Quite a bit of debt but a PE of only 7 at the moment. Thinking about throwing $10k and wanted to know if anyone has done a deep dive into the stock.

submitted by /u/esp211
Department store stocks

I’m curious to hear what people here think about the upcoming holiday sales for department stores. M, KSS and JWN are very cheap right now. And, do you think department stores are here to stay or how will they be doing five years from now? I feel like people have been saying for so many years that department stores is a dying breed but they survived Covid and inflation, and right now theft is another increasingly big challenge— but they’re still here. M is down

How do you do idea/stock validation?

Hey all, I’m curious how folks generate new ideas and do validation on it? What sources do you use to get new stock ideas? Where do you keep track of it? How often do you validate your ideas? What process do you use for the validation and how long does it take?

submitted by /u/Exact-Rice3824
Can someone recommend (or provide) a good explainer for buying Treasury Bonds?

There's a lot of posts about US treasuries potentially hitting 7% soon. I only started investing a few years ago and I've never paid any attention to bonds because a) the returns were non-existent with basically no interest rate and b) I'm young so doesn't really gel with my risk tolerance/investing horizon.

So how exactly does a rando like me buy a 7% bond, especially as someone in the UK. You're probably all aware our gilt market wen

Is the 10 year TIPS Treasury at 2.5% real yield a good play right now?

I've got a decent nest egg saved up and I want to rotate 30% of my NW into bonds for some additonal long term safety and for passive income in retirement. With the real yield at 2.5% on the 10 year, isn't this a once in a 20 year buying opportunity?? The only negative I can see is the yield climbing even higher from here. How likely does that seem?

submitted by /u/TheR
Best investment strategy for 5-10 years?

Hello I’m new to stocks, only have dealt with options a little and made money here and there. Looking to see if investing is my best option, hoping to save up enough money to buy acreage and start a homestead/farm in the future.

I figure it is better to invest some of my money in maybe the S&P 500 or similar ETF for 5-10 years and earn interest rather than leaving it in a bank.

Is this a smart idea or dumb? Looking to invest $100-200 a week.
