Hacktoberfest 2023 with SvelteKit

SvelteKit joins in the Hacktoberfest event in 2023 https://svelte.dev/blog/hacktoberfest

1y | Svelte
Introducing runes

Rethinking 'rethinking reactivity' https://svelte.dev/blog/runes

1y | Svelte
What's new in Svelte: September 2023

New parameters in SvelteKit's redirect and an onNavigate lifecycle function come to life https://svelte.dev/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-september-2023

2y | Svelte
What's new in Svelte: August 2023

Extending Custom Element Classes and new +server exports https://svelte.dev/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-august-2023

2y | Svelte
What's new in Svelte: July 2023

Svelte 4.0, new website and a tour around the community https://svelte.dev/blog/whats-new-in-svelte-july-2023

2y | Svelte
svelte.dev: A complete overhaul

The new site comes with accessibility fixes, new features and bottom navbar https://svelte.dev/blog/svelte-dev-overhaul

2y | Svelte
