The Book "Pro PHP Refactoring"

I just finished reading the book Pro PHP Refactoring by Franvesco Trucchia and Jacopo Romei. The book itself should be refactored - it's not pro at all. The book is an attempt to take the guidelines from the famous "Refactoring, Improving the Design of Existing Code" by Martin Fowler and turn them into PHP refactoring principles.

1y | unixsheikh
Social networking is a poor substitute to real human interaction

Real social value is experienced when we physically get together, when we pay real attention to each other, and when we care and help each other, not when we use Facebook, X/Twitter, Slack, Discord, YouTube or something else!

1y | unixsheikh
Code comments are good right? Well, not if there are too many!

Too much commenting makes the code difficult to navigate. Experienced programmers try to create code that is self-explaining. Good code is almost always self-explaining.

1y | unixsheikh
Benchmark 2 - MySQL Cache

This is a benchmark test of the performance of MySQL Cache. The test was performed on an Intel P4 1.7 Ghz with 1036028 kB of memory over a private LAN. The server runs MySQL 5.0.51a and PHP 5.3.3 on a standard Debian installation. Between each change of settings all related processes was restarted. Since Debian Squeeze the MySQL Cache is enabled by default.

1y | unixsheikh
Benchmark 1 - Dynamic pages vs. static pages vs. Memcached

This is a benchmark test of the loading speed of dynamic pages vs. static pages vs. pages stored in Memchached using PHP. The test was performed on an Intel P4 1.7 Ghz with 1036028 kB of memory over a privat LAN. The server runs MySQL 5.0.51a and PHP 5.3.3 on a standard Debian installation. Between each change of settings all related processes was restarted.

1y | unixsheikh
Benchmark 3 - The Alternative PHP Cache (APC)

This is a benchmark test of the performance of PHP with and without APC (Alternative PHP Cache). The test was performed on an Intel P4 1.7 Ghz with 1036028 kB of memory over a private LAN. The server runs PHP 5.3.3 on a standard Debian installation. Between each change of settings all related processes was restarted.

1y | unixsheikh
Enforce strong passwords in Debian

This tutorial explains how you can enforce a strong password for users on Debian.

1y | unixsheikh

