Everyone working in digital should learn how to use a screen reader

Digital Accessibility is not just about making your website working on a screen reader. But the best way to have a good understanding of…Continue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/everyone-working-in-digital-should-learn-how-to-use-a-screen-reader-fb3dc5447ff1?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
UI & UX micro-tips: Volume six

A collection of handy tips to help improve your designs instantlyContinue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/ui-ux-micro-tips-volume-six-c38ba558f27b?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
Rethinking a website’s information architecture

“Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it.” — Jared SpoolContinue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/rethinking-a-websites-information-architecture-2f2544d21063?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
The Ignatian way of warfare: Self knowledge, internal growth, and calibrated reflection

The trumpets blow and the marching starts. Row upon row of metal armor clinking like a metronome, advancing toward an uncertain future…Continue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/the-ignatian-way-of-warfare-self-knowledge-internal-growth-and-calibrated-reflection-844be90e2ba2?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
