While design waits for a seat at the top table, is it missing out on other places to sit?

Hearing the perennial discussions around getting a “seat at the table” from designers and design leaders who feel neglected or…Continue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/while-design-waits-for-a-seat-at-the-top-table-is-it-missing-out-on-other-places-to-sit-8575d2745afa?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
User Stories are ill-suited for expressing requirements

Splitting User Stories into more User Stories often means you are deceiving yourself (and your users too!)Continue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/user-stories-are-ill-suited-for-expressing-requirements-fa0bbd7756c4?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
