The Encyklopaedia of the Piscture - Encyklopedie obrazu (anglicky)

Výrobce Slovart
Kniha: The Encyklopaedia of the Piscture - Encyklopedie obrazu (anglicky); Autor: kolektiv; The big colour Encyclopedia of the Picture: - Fine Arts and Paintings in Society - A Short History of European Fine Arts - Technology and Techniques of Painting Creation - Artistic and Expressive Means of a Painting - Theme and Content in ...

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Rok vydání 2004 | 2001 - 2010
Počet stran 256 | 201 - 500
Vazba Pevná / vázaná

Co říkají obchody
Kniha: The Encyklopaedia of the Piscture - Encyklopedie obrazu (anglicky); Autor: kolektiv; The big colour Encyclopedia of the Picture: - Fine Arts and Paintings in Society - A Short History of European Fine Arts - Technology and Techniques of Painting Creation - Artistic and Expressive Means of a Painting - Theme and Content in ...