Zema Estate

Znáš toto místo. Nahrajte fotografie pro ostatní.
addr:housenumber 14944
addr:postcode 5263
addr:state SA
addr:street Riddoch Highway
addr:suburb Coonawarra
description A true Coonawarra family winery, forged in Australia but based on the undeniable passions and traditions of its Italian heritage. Over four decades we have developed a reputation for producing premium quality Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz.
email friends@zema.com.au
name Zema Estate
opening_hours Mo- Fr 9:00-22:00, Sa- Su 10:00-21:00,
operator The Zema Family
payment:american_express yes
payment:cash yes
payment:mastercard yes
payment:visa yes
phone +61 8 8736 3219
shop winery
stroller yes
website https://www.zema.com.au
wheelchair yes


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