Oxford University Press

A communicative four-skills course for beginners.Chit Chat follows the same tried-and-tested syllabus of the popular Chatterbox course. It is more grammatically organized than other primary courses. C
Kniha: Happy Street 3rd Edition 2 Učebnice Angličtiny; Autor: Maidment S. Roberts L.; Happy Street je úspěšná řada učebnic pro děti, které už jsou schopny začít číst a psát v angličtině. V učebnicích
Kniha: Explore Together 1 Student´s Book (CZEch Edition); Autor: Covill Charlotte; Explore Together 1 učebnice je vhodná pro třetí ročník základních škol.
Chit Chat je dvoudílný kurz pro 8-10ti leté děti, které začínají s angličtinou na I. stupni základní školy. Zahajuje rozvoj řečových dovedností (poslechu, mluvení, čtení a psaní) způsobem, který odpov
Kniha: Winnie Flies Again Storybook with Activity Booklet; Autor: Thomas Valerie Harper Katherine; Winnie Flies Again is a storybook about a witch and her cat. The story is told in simple language and
Kniha: Commercially Speaking Workbook; Autor: Cadman M. Irvine M.; Focuses on the key language and communication skills needed in the workplace teacher's book has teaching notes and explanations of co
The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English File lesson, and can be used as extra practice during class, or set as homework.
Kniha: Cookie and Friends B Class Audio CD; Autor: Reilly Vanessa; Popis edice: Úroveň angličtiny:Předškolní děti, věk 3 - 6 letPopis: K sérii Cookie and Friends lze ještě zakoupit: Učebnice, metodick
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels. New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teac
Kniha: English File Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Answer Key (4th); Autor: Latham-Koenig Christina, Oxenden Clive; The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English
Kniha: Oxford Basics for Children: Vocabulary Activities; Autor: Slattery Mary; This book contains twenty-five vocabulary activities. They progress from activities that suit very young learners who en
A communicative four-skills course for beginners. Chit Chat follows the same tried-and-tested syllabus of the popular Chatterbox course. It is more grammatically organized than other primary courses.