
Interessante Neuigkeiten zum Teilen
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CSS Card Tricks
4y | 1x Guter Post | Fireship
Angry guy gets hydrated

640 points, 34 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
v19.79 - v19.81
  • user has price next to their nick in user list (minimum price to cooperate with someone), it is more informative than real
  • products now have recommendation in bottom of webpage (most similar list of products)
  • css changes (this is never ending circle)

git diff --shortstat 25e1e45b 5a6e033c 60 files changed, 720 insertions(+), 323 deletions(-)

4y | 1x Guter Post | Daily log
v19.75 - v19.78
  • top panel menu rewritten to SVELTE
  • user can set their status to online / away / dnd
4y | 1x Guter Post | Daily log
Trump vs. Biden rallies during global pandemic

1586 points, 354 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
The marvel of modern engineering.

Tags: awesome, satisfying, Cool

1289 points, 61 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
Cat tries to scare a doggo, super cute

Tags: Cat, Dog

2342 points, 42 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
Worldstar and ice skating colaboration

Tags: Chicken

316 points, 24 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
This is what boxing should be. Calm, discipline, no showing off before, just letting action speak

418 points, 75 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
Jitsi meet: zkušenosti s vlastní videokonferenční platformou

[7 minut čtení] Jitsi meet je videokonferenční server, který lze legálně a zdarma provozovat na vlastním hardware. Níže popisuji instalaci s poznámkami při provozování s Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server a zkušenosti při provozování pro žáky jedné ostravské ZŠ. Jitsi meet má velmi slušnou dokumentaci a obsáhlé diskuzní fórum. Můžete se tak např. dočíst, že není problém provozovat video konferenci s více než 500 účastníky. Vše je vlastně jen otázkou výkonnosti hardware a šířky pásma, která je k dispozici

4y | 1x Guter Post |
v19.61 - v19.74
  • lot of css changes (new icons and colors)
  • changes in article edit / add
  • left menu is gone (on mobile) and shown as first element (hideable)
  • search filter is part of search form
  • top menu (bar) is aligned
  • search in top bar has now images and new element products
  • bottom panel is now same almost everywhere (every webpage), 5 icons, easier to understand.

git diff --shortstat 1121510e 868a480a 158 files changed, 3262 insertions(+), 1871 deletions(-)

4y | 1x Guter Post | Daily log
Ever wonder how social media generates biases (opinions)? E.g. from China

898 points, 122 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
Who is this guy?

Tags: Siamese cat

1284 points, 33 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
The power of the V

2317 points, 52 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
Go away little bug

1830 points, 84 comments.
4y | 1x Guter Post
Solar farm

534 points, 133 comments.

4y | 1x Guter Post
Like a knife through butter

Tags: Satisfying

451 points, 61 comments.

4y | 1x Guter Post
Man asked lady to put a mask on

667 points, 134 comments.

4y | 1x Guter Post
A horse is a horse, of course

1012 points, 25 comments.

4y | 1x Guter Post
v19.34 - v19.37 - sitemap modification
  • sitemap are now generated in smarter way, divided by countries
  • "my joined groups" are now in the upper part of website -

git diff --shortstat 74dd456a 1a12e3b8 13 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

4y | 1x Guter Post | Daily log
v19.14 phpunit

Runtime of phpunit tests down from 20min+ to 5min+, phpunit updated to version 9.0.2

Time: 05:15.609, Memory: 205.00 MB

OK (72 tests, 293 assertions)

  • several tests updated to run faster
  • all database migrations shrinked into one
  • fixed template in article detail
  • fixed preview website redirect ("/")
  • imported part of production database to localhost
  • database full backup

git diff --shortstat 31ded283 2fdab26d 208 files changed, 9015 insertions(+), 5562 deletions(-)

4y | 1x Guter Post | Daily log
LOC in

Some LOC (lines of code) statistics

based on

find . -type f ! -path './vendor/' ! -path './node_modules/' ! -path './.git/' ! -name '.log' ! -path './bin/' ! -path './var/' -name '*.svelte' | xargs wc -l

for different file extensions in project

scss - 5665 php - 110311 go - 6029 python - 1124 svelte - 2774 html.twig - 43120 (ignoring lot of configurations for database, web server, other packages...logging etc...)

Project is still not finished, lack

4y | 1x Guter Post | - ideas, news

novy kalendar na zobrazenie aktivity v kazdom detaile aktivity

4y | 1x Guter Post
Nastavenie jazyka

Od dnesneho dna (21.09.) sa pre uzivatela automaticky detekuje jazyk a po potvrdeni uzivatelom, ze ho chce mat nastaveny ako "default", sa nastavi.

Podobne sa vam v prispevkoch zobrazia prispevky, aj na zaklade tohto jazyka.

Pre nastavenie si jazyka treba ist na uvodnu stranku a nasledne do "nastaveni".

4y | 1x Guter Post | - ideas, news
List of changes in past few weeks
  • channels, users now can chat in realtime
  • graphically improved groups
  • reviews of offers, services, users, followers
  • mini change in lists (every kind of list)
  • daily discount again visible
  • small fix in offer add/edit
  • notification fixed and improved (new view of notifications) ...

Tens of new ideas is in queue. Everyday is there 2-3 new releases.

Do you have any idea to improve something?

Join and DM me.

5y | 1x Guter Post | - ideas, news
Synchronizacia suborov

Pre synchronizaciu suborov napriec zariadeniami (podpora minimalne windows/linux/android)

5y | 1x Guter Post
Faster way to delete large number of files on linux

rsync -a --delete empty/ x

5y | 1x Guter Post | Quick commands
Data is growing, users not

26,7GB 149 tables

Google index containts 23k pages (raising) Bing around 33k pages (decreasing, maybe because Bing is mainly US only?)

Color schemes are so messy, so NiftyCent will be in blue.

New section "services" is added. So people can offer their services in this way. Jobs are still there, but are for advertisers.

Top menu is gone, replaced by left menu, next to search query window (more place for text, less links for people).

User menu is replaced with boxes (little bit

5y | 1x Guter Post | - ideas, news
Tinder cenniky

Tinder pouziva interne metriky na urcenie mesacnej ceny ich sluzby, kde cena sluzby sa lisi, napriklad na zaklade vasho veku...

5y | 1x Guter Post
Full Bodycam Footage of George Floyd Arrest

Len kvoli archivnym ucelom .

5y | 1x Guter Post
PHP quality assurance

How to test your PHP code.

Is your code "good enough"?

Nice comprehensive video

5y | 1x Guter Post | PHP
Songs for listening..

Songs for listening...

[Till I Collapse]


[Time of Dying]


[You're going down]


[Animal I have become]


[Remember the name]




[Fight back]


[I fucking hate you] http

5y | 1x Guter Post | Sports music
 This Raspberry Pi transparent display is made using a glass dome

VEEB Projects has put together a cool transparent Raspberry Pi display using a glass dome and a program that replicates the Pepper's Ghost effect.

 AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT performance estimates leaked: 42% to 66% faster than Radeon RX 7900 GRE

AMD compared its upcoming Radeon RX 9070 XT with Radeon RX 7900 GRE in presentation, discovers that the new flagship is massively faster than the previous-generation performance mainstream contender.