Show HN: High school robotics code/CAD/design binder release

Hello HN!

My name is Patrick, and I am a junior at my High School’s FRC robotics team FRC 341 “Miss Daisy” (yes named after the movie). Every year, during the first weekend in January, a new robotics game is released (no it’s not battlebots). The game could be about launching balls into a goal, climbing monkeybars, or placing cubes on a see-saw. This year we were challenged to build a robot that could shoot orange foam donuts into a goal about 6 feet in the air. Here is a yt video with the

6mo | Hacker news
Show HN: Visualize database schemas with a single query

Hey HN! We are Jonathan & Guy, and we are happy to share a project we’ve been working on. ChartDB is a tool to help developers and data analysts quickly visualize database schemas by generating ER diagrams with just one query. A unique feature of our product is AI-Powered export for easy migration. You can give it a try at and find the source code on GitHub. Next steps ---> More AI. We’d love feedback :)


6mo | Hacker news
