How to receive and send data in real-time with Flutter and Websockets.

Introduction Today, we will see how you can connect to a WebSocket through your Flutter app. Websockets are used widely in a lot of mobile apps to implement various features like messaging, notifications feed on social media, real-time stock price, a...

How to share files and images/videos via the Flutter app

Introduction File sharing is a very good feature that is used in a lot of apps. In todays' article, we will have a look at how we can create a feature that enables you to pick files, images, and videos and share them with other people via Whatsapp, I...

Getting waveform data with flutter and FFmpeg

Introduction Waveform is a way of representing sound.

In this article, we are going to see how we can get the data needed to draw these waveforms, in a Flutter app. For this we are going to use a tool named FFmpeg. What is FFmpeg? FFmpeg is a cross...

Caching futures in Flutter/Dart to improve performance and cost using AsyncCache

There might be cases where some calculation might be happening repeatedly but having stale data is also fine. The example could be reading a file or network response or some cpu intensive calculation. Dart team have introduced AsyncCache class for t...

This week in Flutter #44

I have been reading quite some articles about testing in Flutter lately. Dhruv Nakum and Guillaume Bernos are writing about it in this issue. Testing is an often overlooked part of programming: if only we tested more, many bugs would not even reach p...

4WeeksOfFlutter: Let's Learn Flutter!

Whew! We’ve really come three weeks far into learning Flutter. I cannot even explain how interesting and overwhelming it’s been so far. I love every bit of my flutter journey and I’m glad I decided to document it for you guys. Like I said, I’m taking...

Streams vs Futures in Flutter

Introduction In today's this vs that version of Flutter, we will see the difference between Streams and Futures. Streams and Futures are widely used when we are dealing with async functions and data. Let's see what a stream is and what a future is af...

How I learned Flutter in 14 Days (and you can too).

Introduction📕 It was the summer of 2020. My second semester just finished and I was exploring different things that I could learn. I had many options like Web dev, ML, App dev, and Game Dev. I tried game dev but I couldn't connect with it. I tried a...

How to add Shimmer Effect in your Flutter App.

Introduction 📕 If you make the user wait on the loading screen for a long time with a Circular progress indicator then chances are that he/she will just quit your app. You may have seen that in a lot of apps, the loading screen reflects the exact st...

Multi-Select Dialogue in Flutter: The Unit Test Phase

🧪 Are you lost in searching for ways to test an application in flutter? 💔Do you fear the word “test”? ❓ Have you got no clue where to start? Are you looking for answers that would give you a birds-eye view? Fear no more; you landed on the right s...
