Hello guys! We’ve exhausted another week of learning flutter. I’m so glad we are making progress. However, i was overwhelmed with office work during the week; as such I could not learn as much as my target. But come on, no knowledge is too little rig... https://jovialcoderr.dev/4weeksofflutter-lets-learn-flutter-1

The results from the latest quarterly Flutter survey are out. They focused on:
Null safety, which is, as predicted, makes the majority of developers happy; Ecosystem, which satisfactory rate is increasing; Text editing, a subject the Flutter team is... https://mvolpato.hashnode.dev/this-week-in-flutter-43

💡 Note: This article is part of the Cleaner Flutter series by my friend Marcos Sevilla to which I contribute. You can find the complete series here.
Hello and welcome to the last volume where we will talk about the domain layer of our Clean Archite... https://elianortega.dev/cleaner-flutter-vol-5-establishing-use-cases

Introduction Everyone likes to be efficient but not everyone is efficient. People who work smartly and use the right set of tools in their work are much more efficient and better. Today, I will discuss the 5 tools that made me an efficient Flutter de... https://cswithiyush.hashnode.dev/5-tools-to-make-you-a-super-efficient-and-better-flutter-developer

Introduction Hello World 👋🏾 I am a Flutter Developer, About a week ago i found out about the Netlify X Hashnode Hackathon from a Hashnode blog with very enticing 🤤 cash prizes for winners, it was obvious at this point that I am/was suppose to be o... https://omecode.hashnode.dev/gotrue-dart-a-netlify-identity-package-for-flutter-developers

Introduction Hello World 👋🏾 I am a Flutter Developer, About a week ago i found out about the Netlify X Hashnode Hackathon from a Hashnode blog with very enticing 🤤 cash prizes for winners, it was obvious at this point that I am/was suppose to be o... https://omecode.hashnode.dev/gotrue-dart-a-netlify-identity-package-for-flutter-developers-1

Originally published at surajondev.com Introduction Mobile App development is booming from the last decades and there is no stopping in it. I tried to learn Mobile App development many times in the past but didn't succeed. Problems I faced while lea... https://surajondev.hashnode.dev/react-native-vs-flutter-whats-best-for-you

We can't talk about Flutter state management solutions without talking about riverpod. Of course, just as I have mentioned in other articles, in my opinion, riverpod is more of a dependency injection tool than a state management solution. Riverpod do... https://elianortega.dev/futureprovider-how-to-use-it-and-how-to-test-it

Flutter is a tool for cross-platform development of applications. From a single codebase, a Flutter app can be deployed to mobile, web, and desktop. Flutter is a great choice for desktop development due to a number of reasons: Reasonably large and ac... https://reactfocus.dev/5-reasons-you-should-choose-flutter-for-desktop-development-on-windows-and-macos

Introduction Flutter is known for its cross-platform support in a single codebase. Every device has different dimensions which lead to different screen sizes. You have to keep that in mind while building your UI. Today, we will have a look at that th... https://cswithiyush.hashnode.dev/how-to-build-responsive-ui-for-web-and-mobile-in-flutter-a-complete-guide