Facebook logo Opposite words (Prepositions) Do you know the relations? Mother + Father=? Wife + Husband, Niece + Nephew, Aunt + Uncle, Normal - Business English 1y | LKLogic Prepositions : in at on | English Grammar 1y | LKLogic The Evolution of English 1y | LKLogic Stop saying “VERY” 🚫❌ 1y | LKLogic Present - Past 1y | LKLogic Difficult English Words to pronounce 1y | LKLogic -get on -get off or -get in -get out with means of transportation | when to use? English Grammar 1y | LKLogic Informal - formal 1y | LKLogic Time Words 1y | LKLogic Opposites 1y | LKLogic << < 78 79 80 81 82 > >> Gruppe beitreten Suche ErstelltNach einem TagNach vier TagenLetzten Monat Choose a GroupLKLogic Choose a User Sortierennach RelevanzUpvotedNeu zuerstLesezeichenanzahlAnzahl Kommentare Suche