Live with Jay Alammar, Josh Starmer, and Luis Serrano Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) - How to fine-tune LLMs directly without reinforcement learning KL Divergence - How to tell how different two distributions are A Friendly Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) 3y | Louis Serano ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) Curve in 10 minutes! 3y | Louis Serano Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Image Compression 3y | Louis Serano Redes Adversarias Generativas - Como los computadores pintan caras 3y | Louis Serano Gaussian Mixture Models 3y | Louis Serano The covariance matrix 3y | Louis Serano The Beta distribution in 12 minutes! 3y | Louis Serano The Gini Impurity Index explained in 8 minutes! 3y | Louis Serano A friendly introduction to deep reinforcement learning, Q-networks and policy gradients 3y | Louis Serano Thompson sampling, one armed bandits, and the Beta distribution 3y | Louis Serano << < 2 3 4 5 6 > >> Gruppe beitreten Mitglieder Suche ErstelltNach einem TagNach vier TagenLetzten Monat Choose a GroupLouis Serano Choose a User Sortierennach RelevanzUpvotedNeu zuerstLesezeichenanzahlAnzahl Kommentare Suche