Applied Digital Corps recent stock drop

Applied Digital Corps stock ($APLD) took a bad drop yesterday following Wolfpack Research recent report, which strongly criticized the company ( The $APLD stock has in recent time been highlighted by many st

I have a panic selling problem

So I’m not old enough for a job where I live (I have a custodial account) and I have only $17 available for investing, whenever something loses like 15 cents I sell immediately fearing I’m gonna lose “a lot of money”. I’m wondering how can I stop this and how control myself.

submitted by /u/No-Huckleberry-3930
TD Ameritrade App Replacement

Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for an app instead of TD Ameritrade. I'm shocked how not user friendly the Schwab app is. What platforms are similar to Ameritrade? Are E-Trade or Merrill edge any good? (Just to clarify, I'm talking about the regular TD Ameritrade app, not think or swim) Thanks

submitted by /u/markthecommentator
When you REALLY stop and think about it, the stock market is amazing.

It has always been this way that there are as many people buying as there are selling on any given day. No matter the volume level, this is true. Granted certain events spark more action than others, but even on the most boring days, there is someone to take the other side of every trade execution. Maybe this is not so amazing, but it is to me. Sellers think it is time to sell and buyers think the opposite.

submitted by
Embracer raises $182 million via share issue

Embracer raises $182 million via share issue

The group issued 80,000 new shares and revised its net debt target to SEK 8 billion ($729 million) by the end of FY2023-24

Embracer has raised SEK 2 billion ($182 million) by issuing 80,000 new shares.

The share issue targeted Swedish and international institutional investors, the company said in its announcement, with a subscription price of SEK 25 (roughly $2.25) per share.


How are we feeling about Intel?

I bought Intel earlier last month because I felt like the company was undervalued. It is America's Semiconductor and shows a lot of potential with the Ai-chip making industry. I am, however, aware that the company financials over the past 4 quarters haven't really been the best. I am curious as to what other investors think because I heard a lot about NVDA and AMD, but I think this could be a diamond in the ruff. Thoughts?

Do you believe this stoc

Recommended Motley Fool alternatives?

So it seems that the whole of reddit hates the Motley Fool, despite it being the top listed stock advisor in many articles after searching on Google.

If the Motley Fool does indeed suck, what would you recommend as an alternative? I was looking at IDB and their composite score. I am looking to invest for the long term.

Thanks for any input

submitted by
Re opened webull account to find this and have no idea what it means.

Just re opened webull account to see this message. What does this mean? I left my account with a balance of zero. Do I owe money somehow?

An ACH Reversal caused a trade related cash debit in your account. Please make a deposit $10.0000 to cover the cash debit in full by 3pm EST. Failure to do so may result in a liquidation of the unpaid security(s) which could result in a 90-day free ride restriction (90-day freeze). Please note ACH deposits generally tak

ABST volume?

ABST average volume is 1 million, but today it was 7m. The stock was pretty flat all day. I can't find any news or any thing that would cause a spike in volume like this. What are your guys thoughts on the stock and do you think this volume spike could cause a price spike?

submitted by /u/damascius1
What Bell or Communication company will gain the most?

In 1996 then President Bill Clinton signed into law The Telecommunications Act of 1996. This law eventually paved the way for the creation of CLECs. CLECs force fair competition. Around 12-13 years ago Comcast was allowed to enter the market with no regulations, causing a major ripple effect in business class Voice and data. My only opinion on that is they are a good Cable company. In the past year the Telco provides, aka the LECs, such as ATT, Lumen, Verizon ha
