If Depreciation is MUCH higher than PP&E does it mean that the company will be incurring a big CAPEX spending very soon?

I was looking at the COST PRICE of the assets vs the ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION and found that it is almost fully depreciated.

Looking at this, does it mean that the company will soon be having to replace their assets and will be spending a huge amount of CAPEX soon which will be affecting their FREE CASH FLOW.

The company is looking attractive now as the FCF will cover the purchase price of the company in around 5 years assuming no growth in FCF.

Sell long term stocks?

I bought NVDA at $80 in a Roth IRA. I intended it to be a long term hold as I am 7 -12 yrs from retirement. Do I sell part of it and place it in a defensive/dividend paying company? I know how to lose money but not sure what to do when winning 😉

submitted by /u/snow80130
Apple stock analysis and valuation - Why Warren Buffett loves it

This week’s casual valuation is Apple. I hope you enjoy these posts and feel free to add your take.

Disclaimer: I do not own shares in Apple.

The post is divided into the following sections:

• Introduction

• Historical financial performance

• The balance sheet

• Assumptions and valuation

• Valuation based on different assumptions (and discount rate)


What website subscriptions do you use for research?

I’m curious what everyone here uses for research. I use:

Fintel ($25/month) Dilutiontracker ($50/month)

Does anyone know something better? Preferably one website that can do both of what my websites offer.

I use Fintel to track insider moves and Dilutiontracker to quickly see any dilution plans a company may have?

Ideally I am looking for something that does both in one website and if less than $75/month even better.

Lowe’s foot traffic on a Saturday is dead

I’m at Lowe’s on a Saturday @2pm for a kitchen design appointment and this place is a ghost town. Has the economy started to soften already? I know it’s just 1 day at 1 Lowe’s but I expected it would be a mad house.

submitted by /u/windycitysteals
HELP: Moving assets to a Tax Advantaged Account.

I have roughly 12k in JEPI and JEPQ that I foolishly did not consider buying under an IRA of some kind, just a plain stock account with TD (moved to schwab) Is there a way to move the assets into a tax advantageous account without selling and repurchasing?

submitted by /u/Ark_Animax
Starting to Regret Individual Stocks

I have most of my holdings in Mutual Funds, but I acquired several stocks over the years that I thought looked good. But boy am I bad at that. All but one of them are down overall. I don't need to sell any time soon, but I just realized they are all tech stocks, and have massive swings up and down, its making me nervous. Should I wait for them to have a realized gain and then sell? do i continue to hold since its not a substantial part of my holdings, and tr

Buying and selling pre ipo shares

Anyone have experience with using company like Forge Global which allows you to buy shares in non public companies that expected at some point to go IPO ? Could be years until IPO. I looked into it and minimum amount to buy in is 100k worth of shares

submitted by /u/Nearing_retirement
What goes through your head when you see companies with a p/e ratio of over 200?

I am just beginning to invest and am trying to build a portfolio of stocks that I hope to hold onto for a long time. When I see companies with a stupid high pe ratio I am mentally stuck between not wanting to miss out, and thinking it's stupid to buy something so inflated. What is your guys opinion?

submitted by /u/Inevitable_Gain8296
How do you turns stock into cash?

Lets say I have $1 millions in stock. No dividends and I don't want to sell the stock. How would I buy things? I am trying to understand how you buy expensive items without liquidating your investments.

submitted by /u/jcmidmo
