In this part we're going to install i3 and rice it bit. You can look further down in the tutorial at the screenshots in order to determine if you like the results.
ZFS on Linux might get a lot of the latest features, and with a distribution like Arch Linux you have the bleeding edge, but it makes great sense to migrate everything ZFS related to FreeBSD. On FreeBSD ZFS is a first class citizen. This means that you don't have to worry about hostile kernel commits that suddenly breaks ZFS, or kernel modules that has to be re-compiled every time the kernel is updated. Being a first class citizen also means that the entire operating system is tailored to work r
A question I frequently get asked is how you choose between the operating systems OpenBSD and FreeBSD. In this small article I'll try to answer that question.
The suckless philosophy is all about keeping things simple, minimal and usable, but some people seem to have misunderstood it completely.
I run FreeBSD as my daily driver on both my main workstation and on all my servers and I have been running FreeBSD since about 1999 because I consider it an amazing operating system. In this article I will address some of the technical reasons for choosing FreeBSD over a GNU/Linux distribution.
In this tutorial I'll show you a simple way you can manage the configuration of i3 across multiple computers with different setups on each computer.
Vim users swear to the increased productivity that Vim provides, yet few Vim users actually realize that they are not really using Vim. Rather, they have stuffed Vim full of plugins and a thousand lines long Vim configuration file that completely change how Vim normally works.
Thousands of the worlds best open source projects are still hosting their code repositories on GitHub. Since Microsoft has purchased GitHub this has become a serious problem.
From time to time people email me asking about what kind of work flow I use for this blog. In this article I'll elaborate on the process.
Privacy on the Internet is important because privacy risks range from the gathering of statistics on users to more malicious acts such as the spreading of spyware and the exploitation of various forms of bugs (software faults). Many companies, such as Google, track which websites people visit and then use the information, for instance by sending advertising based on one's web browsing history. Sometimes prices on products are changed on the same website, depending on tracking information, and tw