Why CSS View Transitions Are Revolutionizing Web Design

View Transitions are one of the most awesome features CSS has shipped in recent times. Its title is self-explanatory: transitions between views are possible with just CSS, even across pages of the same origin! What’s more interesting is its subtext, since there is no need to create complex SPA with routing just to get those eye-catching transitions between pages. https://webdesignernews.com/why-css-view-transitions-are-revolutionizing-web-design/

7 Key Influencer Marketing Trends in 2024

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful and most effective forms of digital marketing available today. https://webdesignernews.com/7-key-influencer-marketing-trends-in-2024/

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers

August 2024 brings us a collection of new tools, libraries, and resources to help you build better websites and applications, and improve your productivity as designers and developers. We’ve got everything from design inspiration to development tools, and everything in between. https://webdesignernews.com/fresh-resources-for-web-designers-and-developers/

Lessons from My 30-Year Logo Design Archive: Then vs. Now

Recently I took a trip down memory lane and explored my logo design archives from the ‘90s. I’ve been designing logos since then—almost 30 years ago, before the internet was even a thing. In this article, I’ve gathered some of those early logo designs, along with background information from the client projects I’ve worked on over the past three decades. https://webdesignernews.com/lessons-from-my-30-year-logo-design-archive-then-vs-now/

The Essential Role of Designers in the Full Software Development Cycle

Collaboration between design and engineering can take different forms in different organizations. Designers can be more or less involved in software development, but whether they like it or not, they are essential to this process. I don’t mean that designers should code (although I think some should–I’ll explain it in another article), but rather, they should not switch to new tasks right after handoff. https://webdesignernews.com/the-essential-role-of-designers-in-the-full-software-development-

CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024

align-content works in the default layout in 2024, allowing vertical centering with 1 CSS property. https://webdesignernews.com/css-finally-adds-vertical-centering-in-2024/

Maximize Compatibility: Testing Your Website in visionOS with Safari

Now that visionOS 2 is announced, it’s a great time to ensure your website works in Safari in visionOS. For the most part, there’s nothing special you need to do for the spatial web. It’s truly Safari, with the same WebKit engine and its extensive support for web standards. https://webdesignernews.com/maximize-compatibility-testing-your-website-in-visionos-with-safari/

Essential Developer Tools that Will Improve the Way You Work

In the fast-paced world of software development, staying ahead means constantly evolving your toolkit. The right tools can drastically improve your productivity, and boost your workflow. https://webdesignernews.com/essential-developer-tools-that-will-improve-the-way-you-work/
