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addr:city | Mississauga |
addr:housenumber | 135 |
addr:postcode | L4Z 1R2 |
addr:province | ON |
addr:street | 135 Matheson Blvd E |
description | Bluebird Self Storage offers the GTA's newest, most modern self storage facilities. Founded in 2017, we are growing quickly and becoming Toronto's choice for storage solutions. | | |
name | Bluebird Self Storage |
opening_hours | MOn - Fri 9:00 - 18:00, Sat 9:00 - 17:00, Sun 11:00 - 15:00 |
payment:american_express | yes |
payment:Auto-payment | yes |
payment:cash | yes |
payment:cheque | yes |
payment:discover | yes |
payment:Interac | yes |
payment:mastercard | yes |
payment:Online_payment | yes |
payment:visa | yes |
phone | (905) 890-6378 |
shop | storage_rental |
website | |
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