Ever heard of hybrid matter-photon implementation of verifiable blind quantum computing? No? Neither had we, until today. But it could just be what will make next-generation quantum computers securely accessible to “millions of individuals and comp

Open source is at a crossroads. For the past few years, venture capital has directly or indirectly paid for many of the contributors and much of the infrastructure it needed to keep going. That was until the past 24 months or so, when funding started to slow down,

German startup Bluu Seafood today launched Europe’s first pilot plant for cultivated fish. The facility in Hamburg brings lab-grown seafood a step closer to the market. Bluu had previously developed the controversial food in a small lab in Lübeck, Germany. The

The logistics and supply chain world has seen its share of upheaval in recent years. Following the height of the pandemic, when manufacturing and shipping lines were snarled by worker shortages, canal blockages and rapidly shifting consumer spending habits, there had been a “collective holding of your breath,” said Carly West, senior research director at Gartner Research within its supply chain practice. “What was going to happen coming out of all the disruptions from the pandemic?” What do

Discover why businesses need SEO now more than ever. Learn how SEO can help you understand and reach your customers in key moments that matter.
The post 15 Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

A space tourism company promising stratospheric balloon rides has unveiled the vehicle’s capsule design. Halo Space is building the balloon for zero-emission commercial flights to altitudes of up to 40km. Tickets will cost a whopping €150,000 each. On each fli

Looking to maximize your revenue streams? Explore these high-ticket affiliate marketing programs with high one-time payouts and recurring commissions for individuals, agencies, and consultants.
The post 34 High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing & Partner Programs 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google's CEO Sundar Pichai answers the question of what search will look like in ten years
The post Google’s CEO On What Search Will Be Like In 10 Years appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

A British R&D unit today unveiled a futuristic vision of “quantitative safety guarantees” for AI. The Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) compares the guarantees to the high safety standards in nuclear power and passenger aviation. In the case of mac

In this video, Scott talks to Tim Lytle about tips for new conference attendees and his talk on Docker at php[tek] 2024. Links: Dev Friday Show – https://devfridayshow.com/ Tickets to php[tek] 2024 – http://tinyurl.com/tek-2024-tickets
The post Community Corner: Tim Lytle appeared first on php[architect].

Magnetická levitace vypadá jako zázrak, ale je zcela reálná. Problém je, že obvykle vyžaduje vnější zdroj energie nebo se s ní pojí technické potíže. Tým japonského institutu OIST upravil grafit, který je diamagnetický, ale jeho levitace je jenom velmi dočasná, kvůli rušivým elektrickým proudům. Nový materiál obsahuje částice grafenu obalené křemenem a levituje jako o život. http://www.osel.cz/13431-magie-fyziky-platek-grafitu-levituje-aniz-by-potreboval-energii.html

Artificial intelligence companies may have to become a lot more transparent about how they train their models, if a new bill from Rep. Adam Schiff passes in Congress. Schiff has proposed the Generative AI Copyright Disclosure Act, which would require firms like OpenAI to list the copyrighted works they use to build generative-AI systems. The bill comes amid a growing outcry about the burgeonin

Google improves website interactivity metric by collaborating with consent management platforms, yielding faster load times when cookies are accepted.
The post Google Improves INP For Sites Using Consent Management Platforms appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google's John Mueller advises website owners on penalties, proper content practices, and HTTP status codes.
The post Google’s John Mueller Clarifies 404 & 410 Confusion For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

With the geopolitical landscape turning more unstable by the day, EU relations with China are also becoming increasingly turbulent. At the core of the rising tensions lies the quest for tech supremacy as well as economic and national security. “In a world powe

A German startup has secured new funding for a peculiar twisted-looking reactor that could prove a quicker path to clean, virtually limitless fusion energy. Proxima Fusion has raised €20mn as it looks to bring

A disclaimer about this newsletter’s title: I didn’t quite watch 243 one-minute startup pitches myself during Y Combinator’s Demo Day last week. I think I probably set a personal record for pitch consumption, though. It was a rewarding experience, albeit an occasionally dizzying one.
When Y Combinator began holding Demo Days, a handful of budding tech comp

Welcome to the new episode of the TNW Podcast — the show where we discuss the latest developments in the European technology ecosystem and feature interviews with some of the most interesting people in the industry. In today’s episode, Linnea and Andrii talk

There’s no escaping the hype around artificial general intelligence. Barely a day passes without a new headline about the concept, which envisions computer systems outperforming humans at various cognitive tasks. In the last month alone, a trio of tech lumina

Harness the power of programmatic advertising with this in-depth guide. Learn the mechanics and strategies to take your advertising to the next level.
The post What Is Programmatic Advertising? How Does It Work? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Explore the relationship between web accessibility and SEO performance and explain some best practices for ensuring your site can accommodate all users.
The post The Intersection Of SEO And Accessibility: Optimizing For All Users appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Spis uchovaný na Papyru Derveni cituje a parafrázuje řadu nestarších filosofů. Zvláštní roli v něm mají citáty Hérakleita. Krom dávno známých se našly i nové, které dokreslují naše porozumění Hérakleitovi. http://www.osel.cz/13430-papyrus-derveni-nove-fragmenty-herakleitova-spisu-a-mozna-i-potapece.html

WordPress recommends updating to version 6.5.2 to patch an XSS vulnerability
The post WordPress Discovers XSS Vulnerability – Recommends Updating To 6.5.2 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

In this sponsored episode, Ben and Ryan are joined by Ria Cheruvu, an AI evangelist at Intel, to discuss the different approaches to incorporating AI models into organizations. https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/04/10/climbing-the-genai-decision-tree/

Unsure if a paid keyword research tool is right for you? Ease into it with Google Keyword Planner using our step-by-step guide.
The post Google Keyword Planner: How To Use The Free Tool For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Prashanthi Padmanabhan, Head of Engineering for LinkedIn Premium, shares her framework for creating meaningful online experiences
The post LinkedIn Shares 7 Insights For Powerful Online Engagement appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Protilodní podzvuková stealth raketa AGM-158C LRASM je ve službě od roku 2018. Zároveň je ale stále ve vývoji, hlavně pokud jde o její autonomní a týmové schopnosti. Nedávný a úspěšný test 12th Integrated Test Event (ITE-12) poprvé předvedl, jak tyto střely operují v týmu. http://www.osel.cz/13429-v-prulomovem-testu-letela-spolecne-ctverice-poloautonomnich-strel-lrasm.html

YouTube unveils Affiliate Hub, a new shopping tool for creators to boost ecommerce monetization.
The post YouTube’s ‘Affiliate Hub’ Offers A New Way For Channels To Make Money appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Backed by state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), Italy is committing €1bn to AI development over the course of the next five years. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni first announced the plan for a dedicated AI fund last month. “The purpose of this mechanism

Gary Illyes explains how Google ranks content that displays the highest quality, trustworthiness, and relevance to users
The post Google Explains How It Processes Queries & Ranks Content appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Pribudli dôkazy, že sildenafil (Viagra), liek na erektilnú dysfunkciu, ktorý sa používa aj v liečbe pulmonálnej artériovej hypertenzie a benígnej hyperplázie prostaty, môže poskytovať ochranu proti Alzheimerovej chorobe. http://www.osel.cz/13428-sildenafil-zazracny-liek-mozno-este-zazracnejsi.html

Ukraine has launched a defence tech accelerator programme for new startups aiming to deliver innovative solutions for military applications. The Defence Builder Accelerator is a four-month-long training programme, which will provide full-cycle support for prod

A vertical farming startup from the UK is taking its technology to new heights. The UK Space Agency has awarded Vertical Future £1.5mn to build an autonomous farm in orbit. The high-tech veggie garden will be installed on the world’s first

The rise of generative AI has created pressure for content labeling. Gain insights on how it can help users distinguish between AI and human-generated content.
The post Labeled: A New Wave Of AI Content Labeling Efforts appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

LinkedIn's 2024 in-demand skills report highlights need for human skills like communication, customer service amid AI workforce disruption.
The post LinkedIn’s Most In-Demand Skills: Why You Need Them Your Profile appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Don't rely on the Wayback Machine alone. Discover these top alternatives for archiving websites and preserving online history.
The post Wayback Machine: 5 Alternatives To Try appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

…aneb Proč už dnes sauropodní „potápěč“ neprojde http://www.osel.cz/13427-burianuv-ponoreny-brachiosaurus.html

Helsinki-based startup ReOrbit is preparing for the first demonstration of its “software-enabled” satellite. This marks the next phase of the ESA’s UKKO programme, which works with ReOrbit to develop and test next-gen tech for Earth obser

Learn how to build an authoritative travel brand with effective content production (with structured schema) that aligns with Google's latest helpful content update.
The post How To Build Authorship As A Travel Brand appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

If, as a software developer, you want to know what the most popular or best-paid programming languages are in the industry right now, there’s always a constant stream of surveys and reports to let you know. And career advice for developers will typically recommen

Helsinki-headquartered Basemark has raised €22mn to bring its augmented reality (AR) “toolkit” to automakers across the globe. Basemark’s software, dubbed Rocksolid AR, is an AI-based computer vision system that enables carmakers to develop their own AR

Trio pozemních gravitačních observatoří loni na jaře spustilo čtvrtou sérii pozorování v moři gravitačních vln. Hned zpočátku ulovily pozoruhodnou srážku ze vzdálenosti 650 milionů světelných let, která zahrnovala neutronovou hvězdu a objekt o hmotnosti 2,5 až 4,5 Sluncí. Asi černá díra, ale černé díry s takovou hmotností by neměly existovat. http://www.osel.cz/13426-gravitacni-vlny-priplavily-ozvenu-srazky-podivneho-objektu.html

The home team convenes to discuss the XZ backdoor attack, what great software engineers have in common, how GenAI is changing the face of drug development, and the rise of managed service providers for AI. https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/04/09/want-to-be-a-great-software-engineer-don-t-be-a-jerk/

The ‘Gram is doing a lot of heavy lifting for Meta.
That’s one of the key takeaways from court documents filed by Meta last week, as the company attempts to get a federal antitrust lawsuit dismissed. Specifically, the documents say that Instagram generated advertising revenue totaling $32.4 billion in 2021, and $16.5 billion during the first half of 2022—up fr

Hidden functionality discovered in Android activates Gemini AI in Google Search app
The post Leaked: Google Gemini Availability In Android Search appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

US pressure to block ASML from servicing the chip-making machines it has sold to China is increasing the Netherlands’ entanglement into an escalating geopolitical race for tech supremacy. Implementing a clear technological and economic decoupling strategy from

A UK startup has claimed a major breakthrough in its plans to beam solar energy from space to Earth. At a lab in Belfast, Oxford-based Space Solar managed to light up an LED sign by wirelessly beaming energy through the air, from all angles. This mark

Spotify is further tapping AI to boost its services with a new feature that enables users to create playlists using text prompts. Dubbed AI Playlist, the feature is currently in beta and available on Android and iOS devices for premium subscribers in Australi

ChatGPT was the tech story of 2023 because it put the power of language AI directly into the hands of consumers. And yet ChatGPT was just the outside wrapper, the user interface, sitting atop a stack of foundation models, server chips, and other enabling technologies all working in the background. And it’s from within the realm of these enabling technologies that some of 2023’s most meaningful advancem

Discover the importance of mobile SEO. Learn how to optimize your site for mobile devices and improve user experience.
The post An In-Depth Guide And Best Practices For Mobile SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Unlock the potential of video search engines for your digital marketing strategy. Seek inspiration from these top picks so you can craft the perfect video.
The post The 10 Best Video Search Engines appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

V pondělí 8. dubna se nad úzkým pruhem Spojených států, od Texasu po Maine, na pár minut zatmí Slunce. Dávné úzkosti se vyvalily v podobě záplavy konspirací, které bez problémů nabalily další spuštění LHC v CERNu, blouznění okultisty horolezce a jednu skulpturu, darovanou s dobrým úmyslem. http://www.osel.cz/13425-anatomie-nesmyslu-zatmeni-slunce-cern-anglicky-antikrist-a-darek-z-indie.html

Total solar eclipses are a mind-expanding demonstration of “the right place at the right time”—and for centuries, scientists and enthusiasts have voyaged to get there in the hopes that they might catch a glimpse of the sun’s corona, probe the solar wind, test theories like relativity, and simply experience the sublime wonder and dread that comes with being part of a rare cosmic alignment.
The most serious umbraphiles,

Důvodem k radosti je objev jubilejní komety. Mnohde se lze dočíst, že se na úspěchu podílí Praha. Není to nepravda, ale sluší se dodat, že objevitel je amatérský astronom z jihu Číny, který u nás momentálně jen studuje. http://www.osel.cz/13424-nasa-slavi-diky-poznatku-z-ceska.html