
Beiträge von Tomas_r2
Alt Text: What It Is & How To Write It via @sejournal, @olgazarr

Enhance your website's SEO and accessibility with alt text. Discover the importance of alt text and how to make it work for your images.

The post Alt Text: What It Is & How To Write It appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Letošní eVolo Skyscraper Competition nabídla fantastické vize mrakodrapů

V roce 2024 se již po osmnácté konala mezinárodní soutěž odvážných projektů výškových budov eVolo Skyscraper Competition. Realizace těchto projektů (zatím) není na pořadu dne. Rozhodně je ale zajímavé vědět, o čem sní architekti, když jim nad hlavou nevisí Damoklův meč finančních nákladů a praktické realizace mrakodrapu.

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Věštírna na ostrově Amorgu, která věštila až do roku 1958, ne-li 1967

V prostoru kostela věštila jeptiška podle odlesku vody z pramene. Pověst věštírny ohrožovali ještě v 20. století spíše námořní piráti než církevní vrchnost, ale pak se něco pokazilo. K tomu pirátská nemocnice a taky leprosárium, obojí plně funkční ve 20. století. Plus příběh pro souvislosti.

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Webbův dalekohled narazil na záhadu: Tři „rubíny“ v raném vesmíru

Webb hleděl do vesmíru starého asi 600 až 800 milionů let. Našel tam trojici „rubínů,“ které podobně jako Kameny nekonečna nedávají smysl v našem chápání vzniku a vývoje vesmíru. Zřejmě jde o exotické „protogalaxie“ s nesmyslně starými hvězdami a nesmyslně gigantickou černou dírou, v nichž je množství hvězd odpovídající Mléčné dráze natlačeno do prostoru pár set světelných let. Noční můra kosmologů.

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What is a passkey? Why Apple is betting on password-free tech

When iOS 18 debuts in September, Apple will bring myriad new security features to users. But the company will also debut a new API for app and website developers that will protect users in more fundamental way. This new API will allow developers to create passkeys for users automatically, which will ena

Video assistant referees to smart rings: Here’s the soccer tech at Euro 2024

From smart-enabled match balls and artificial intelligence to cryogenic recovery chambers, soccer is being transformed by the cutting-edge technology available to players, coaches and officials.

That much has been evident at Euro 2024, where advancements in areas such as equipment and sports scien

How to find and search YouTube video transcripts on your phone

YouTube videos are an amazing source of knowledge. But they’re often long, and trying to find a specific shred of info within an hour-long video isn’t exactly a great use of your time.

Google will soon let some people use its Gemini AI tool to ask questions about a YouTube video on an Android phone. But you can do that and even more today, on any platform you’re using.

Let me show you to dig through a YouTube video to find anything you’re looking for as qui

Google Warns Of Soft 404 Errors And Their Impact On SEO via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google's Gary Illyes warns of soft 404 errors' impact on web crawling and recommends proper error handling to improve SEO and site efficiency.

The post Google Warns Of Soft 404 Errors And Their Impact On SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google’s E-E-A-T & The Myth Of The Perfect Ranking Signal via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google clarifies E-E-A-T's role in search rankings, emphasizing quality content over chasing specific signals for improved search performance.

The post Google’s E-E-A-T & The Myth Of The Perfect Ranking Signal appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

This week in Dutch tech 20/6 – 27/6

The warm weather finally arrived! But before we begin to wind things down for the summer months, let’s catch up once more with the latest developments in Dutch tech.  Of course, in our mind, the best news from the week that passed was our own TNW Conference ta

8mo | The Next Web
YouTube fuels the AI machine—including your family reunion

The promised artificial intelligence revolution requires data. Lots and lots of data. OpenAI and Google have begun using YouTube videos to train their text-based AI models. But what does the YouTube archive actually include?

Our team of

AI offers financial firms a hand but isn’t ready for more complex tasks

The spread of artificial intelligence-based systems offers big opportunities for financial services firms, executives say, but asset managers also face higher stakes than other consumer-facing businesses because they manage sensitive information.

For example, AI systems could be better than humans at explaining to clients why they arrived at recommendations like portfolio allocations or lending decisions, said Zack Kass, a former head of business partnerships at OpenAI. People, he

Nyobolt charges EV in under 5 mins during first test drive

Claims of the next fastest-charging EV have become so common, they’ve almost completely lost their meaning.  But Nyobolt might just have something to brag about. The UK startup has successfully charged an EV from 10% to 80% in just four minutes and 3

8mo | The Next Web
Nokia taps the AI boom in a deal with this U.S. optical network firm

Nokia’s bid to buy U.S. optical networking gear maker Infinera in a $2.3 billion deal puts the Finnish company on track to gain from the billions of dollars in investment pouring into data centres to cater

Uber and Lyft drivers in Massachusetts will now get minimum pay

Uber and Lyft agreed to a number of worker benefits on Thursday in order to end a lengthy legal challenge in Massachusetts over drivers’ employment status as independent contractors. 

The two gig giants will pay workers a minimum of $32.50 per hour for active driving time, offer paid sick leave, and provide a stipend for health insurance, along with other benefits, according to a

Truth Social was awash in far-right conspiracy theories during last night’s debate

Truth Social users were trafficking in debunked claims during Donald Trump’s debate last night against President Joe Biden. 

The conversative app, which is owned by Trump Media & Technology Group and

Crypto traders react to Trump-Biden debate—and they’re not happy

Joe Biden’s weak performance in Thursday’s presidential debate against Donald Trump has already resulted in a significant backlash for the president, including calls from within his party for him to step down as the Democratic candidate. Pollsters will determine how

Šumavská zvěřina má v sobě pětkrát víc rakovinotvorných látek, než připouští zákon

Také jste žili v představě, jak je životní prostředí národních parků nedotčené a maso tamních zvířat zdraví prospěšné? Možná tomu tak někde je, ale v případě Národního parku Šumava nejspíš ne.

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Gigantický automatický přepravní systém propojí Tokio a Ósaku

Japonsko se vylidňuje. Pokud se něco razantního nestane, v roce 2030 budou scházet lidi pro doručení 30 procent zásilek. Japonská vláda připravuje jako řešení ambiciózní projekt monstrózního dopravníkového systému o délce asi 500 km, mezi Tokiem a Ósakou. Pokud bude zprovozněn, měl by nahradit asi 25 tisíc nákladních automobilů, samozřejmě i s podstatnou částí jejich emisí.

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Lynn Conway finally receives recognition for rocketing chip design into the future

Lynn Conway may hold the record for longest delay between being unfairly fired and receiving an apology for it. In 1968, IBM — a company that now covers its logo in a rainbow flag each June for Pride Month — fired Conway when she expressed her intention to transition

8mo | The Next Web
Samsung backs ‘world’s most powerful’ AI chip for edge devices

Eindhoven-based startup Axelera has raised $68mn as it looks to take its AI chip business global. One of the lead investors is Samsung Catalyst, the venture arm of semiconductor giant Samsung Electronics.   Axelera is developing chips, known a

8mo | The Next Web
How big could an Apple AI services business be?

Apple investors breathed a sigh of relief on June 10th when the company’s CEO, Tim Cook, and his deputies held a two-hour presentation about their intention to bring artificial intelligence to the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Apple had been seriously lagging the giants of AI, Microsoft, and Alphabet’s Google, but they managed to turn things around sharply with a vision for

Why AI can’t replace science

The scientific revolution has increased our understanding of the world immensely and improved our lives immeasurably. Now, many argue that science as we know it could be rendered passé by artificial intelligence. Way back in 2008, in an article titled, “The End of Theory: The data deluge makes the scientific method obsolete,” Chris Anderson, the then-editor-in-chief of Wired magazine, argued that,

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We’re sending way too many emails—and it’s hurting the planet

When I first paid for Google One’s storage upgrade in March 2019, I never imagined I’d actually hit the limit of that new tier. The upgrade increases the available storage across your Google account from 15GB to 100GB; at the time, my Gmail accounted for just 14.5GB. 

The idea that I’d add tens more gigabytes of digital detritus to my Google account and would ever have

This Netflix series creator wants to own every movie—on VHS

Shea Serrano has a TV series currently on Netflix. He also owns 861 VHS tapes.

The cocreator of Reggaeton-flavored streaming series, Neon, and Freevee’s family sitcom, Primo, has a respectable collection of DVDs, Blu-Rays, and 4K steelbooks as well, but his heart resides inside his massive VHS stash. Those other formats are excellent at capturing, for posterity, modern movies best viewed in the highest quality possible. They

44 Pinterest Statistics And Facts For 2024 via @sejournal, @annabellenyst

Explore the power of Pinterest: Discover the latest facts and statistics about this unique social platform and its advertising potential.

The post 44 Pinterest Statistics And Facts For 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Does your service business need AI? Here are 4 rules to help you decide

Artificial intelligence is the big thing right now, with industries from finance to health care to retail scrambling to adopt AI or risk being left behind. But speaking as professors of business, we think some companies might be jumping the gun. Our recent rese

8mo | The Next Web
Forget all the cables: you only need 3 charging gadgets for travel

I’m leaving for a trip tomorrow. It should be a joyous, exciting occasion. Unfortunately, I have terrible—nay, debilitating—battery anxiety when traveling.

Yes, phones last all day on a charge now. Usually. But what if mine doesn’t? What if one of my kids doesn’t properly shut down a tablet and leaves the screen on for a couple hours in a backpack?! What if the charger in my airplane seat isn’t working?!! All corner cases, to be sure, but still I fret.

However, I do have

How to build open source apps in a highly regulated industry

Today we chat with Reshma Khilnani, co-founder and CEO of Medplum, an open-source platform enabling companies to build healthcare applications like EHRs and patient portals. She discusses how to iterate rapidly in an industry where SOC2 compliance is just the beginning (one of the compliance tests is named after Dante’s epic poem depicting the nine circles of hell, if that gives you an idea).

#435 – Andrew Huberman: Focus, Controversy, Politics, and Relationships

Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:

This AI lobbyist group is running ads during the debate urging leaders to ‘protect America’s AI edge’

While the economy, legal matters, and questions of competency are likely to be the main points of contention between the candidates in Thursday’s presidential debate, one lobbyist group is hoping to steer people’s focus to artificial intelligence.

The American Edge Project (AEP), an industry front group, will air

Data centres in space could be one solution to AI’s big energy problem

As AI boosts demand for more data storage, Europe is considering sending data centres into space — and the plan is not as outlandish as it may first appear.   A 16-month, €2 million study has concluded that space-based data centres are technically, econ

8mo | The Next Web
Silo and Mistral join forces in yet another European AI team-up

If you follow European AI news, you may have read that Finland’s Silo AI and Germany’s Aleph Alpha recently established a partnership to deliver “sovereign AI.” It would seem whoever is responsible for partnerships at Silo is keeping busy, as th

8mo | The Next Web
Google Reveals Its Methods For Measuring Search Quality via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google measures search results using surveys, experts, and user behavior. Improving quality leads to trickier searches and ongoing challenges.

The post Google Reveals Its Methods For Measuring Search Quality appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Google Completes June 2024 Spam Update Rollout via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google completed the June 2024 spam update, targeting policy-violating websites. As search quality improves, search rankings may fluctuate.

The post Google Completes June 2024 Spam Update Rollout appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Tyranosauři byli přece jen rychlými běžci

…aneb Co nám o atletických dovednostech „krále“ teropodů prozradila nová studie

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Kvantová mechanika odmítá stvoření černých děr zhroucením samotného záření

Mnozí vědci nejspíš uroní slzu. Nový výzkum pohřbívá exotický koncept „kugelblitzu,“ čili fantaskní černé díry, která měla vznikat nikoliv zhroucením hmoty, ale elektromagnetického záření. Teoretičtí fyzici zjistili, že kvůli kvantovým jevům a virtuálním částicím dojde k vypařování houstnoucího záření mnohem dřív, než by se mohlo zhroutit do nicoty. Hlavu vzhůru, jede se dál.

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Can AI cure the corruption and biases that plague boxing?

Boxing is a whimsically old-fashioned sport. Feuds are settled in fights, traditions are revered, and ageing faces run the show. Fifty years since their heydays promoting Muhammad Ali, the 92-year-olds Don King and Bob Arum remain leading powerbrokers. They wor

8mo | The Next Web
Silicon Valley’s AI-controlled hot rock batteries are coming to Europe

A Silicon Valley startup is developing a hot rock battery that could be the next big thing in energy storage — and it’s coming to Europe. The giant brick toaster is the brainchild of San Francisco-based Rondo Energy. The startup believes it could

8mo | The Next Web
Europe is pouring public funds into quantum tech startups, report says

A report published today by McKinsey on the state of the global quantum tech sector has found that Europe is spending more and more in public funding on technologies such as quantum computers, quantum sensors, and quantum co

8mo | The Next Web
A big privacy law is moving through Congress. So why do privacy hawks hate it?

Privacy legislation is the white whale of American politics, at once obsessively sought after, and frustratingly out of reach. A bipartisan, bicameral bill called the American Privacy Rights Act, which is being considered by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday, promised to change that. The bill would give people the ability to access and delete data collected on them, limit the amount of data that can be collected on people in the first place, and include new requirements for

This tech startup is putting drones in soldiers’ backpacks

Matt Higgins was at ground zero within hours of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Higgins, who was at the time working as Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s press secretary, saw the rubble—and the rebuilding—firsthand. 

Twenty-three years later, Higgins gets that same feeling of unease when he looks at the

Box removes its enterprise AI query limits and announces new GPT-4o-powered feature

Box removes its enterprise AI query limits and announces new GPT-4o-powered feature

Box announced today it is removing limits to the number of AI queries its Enterprise Plus users can perform. The content cloud company also said it’ll soon offer enterprises the ability to use AI to search through the images and spreadsheets they store in the cloud.

Box’s AI services are built atop OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 generative AI models, which Box accesses via a

The AI industry is working hard to ‘ground’ enterprise AI in fact

Welcome to AI DecodedFast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.

The AI industry assures corporate America it’ll “ground” AI models in reality

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