[BEL][TECH][14] Tech SaaS founder looking for a Marketing co-founder.

Hi there 👋, I am Rob and over the past years (launched mid 2019) I have been running Animalo by myself. I am passionate about my project and already have a few paying customers. Based on customer feedback I have shifted some strategies here and there and I have had myself assisted a few freelancers to get the frontend site up and running. ​ What is Animalo? Animalo is an online SaaS where pet business owners can manage their business and collaborate with colleagues. It features everything for booking management, availability and even online payments. I have built Animalo together with local pet hotels, by interviewing them and testing the usability I have managed to develop a product that is easy to understand. Animalo is made with PHP/Laravel/VueJs and is also available on the apple and android stores (pwa). ​ Why I am looking for a co-founder? As mentioned, I have been running this for 2 years now all by myself. But recently I started to decide that I should focus on tech more, because that is what makes the product itself, while I should partner up with someone to market/sell. This combined will make the product even better and more accessible in the long run. In addition to that, it would be nice to have someone to chat with regarding the product itself. ​ Animalo is not funded, and not providing in an income for me at this point. I am happy to discuss more details over a video chat. Location area is not too important to me but I would prefer somewhere Belgium, Netherlands, Germany or France so we can get together every now and the. submitted by /u/haringsrob [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/p7wuoi/beltech14_tech_saas_founder_looking_for_a/

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