[PAK][TECH][3] Looking for a co-founder with experience in Computer Vision AI for the CTO position.

Equity 50/50. Would prefer someone local but remote is also fine, although you'll have to move if we get funded by a local VC/investor. 33/33/33 if I find someone credible for finance, not looking for the finance position right now. ​ Candidate Description I don't count experience in years but would like the person to have at least 5 years experience (the double standards of this guy, am I right?) or equivalence of that in projects. Not inexperienced and not too old, as that would make communication between us easier. Commitment Required: 4-7 years. Qualities Required: Honest, Ethical, Courteous, Responsible, Humourous. ​ Idea The idea/product has global demand, no competition (yes, I have done my research), and frequent usage (post-development ofc). Not willing to throw out the idea here. ​ Contact Send these details in chat: your LinkedIn and why you want to be a co-founder/do entrepreneurship. I'll share my LinkedIn in chat too. If I find you credible, I'll share the idea. Otherwise, I'll let you know that it's not going to work. If you know anyone who fits the criteria and might be interested, please do connect me with them. ​ Progress On the idea stage currently. Have linked with multiple local VCs and investors for angel investment, who are waiting for the pitch deck. Market Research is almost completed. Branding: Only name is selected. Pitch Deck: Branding and financial modeling left. I have finance people for the modeling but need to estimate costs, which requires CTO's expertise. Execution Plan: Draft will be created today, requires CTO's expertise. ​ Anticipated Questions Why didn't you hire consultants for the research/pitch deck? I have seen many pitch decks, they do a terrible job and want equity. If you are in tech, what are you doing with this namer account? It pays better per hour. Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Money. ​ Responsibilities Mine: Product, Design, Operations Yours: Engineering Left: Sales & Marketing, Finance submitted by /u/AskNamer [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/q3uvzr/paktech3_looking_for_a_cofounder_with_experience/

Creado 3y | 8 oct. 2021 10:21:25

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