Symfony 4.4.37 released

Symfony 4.4.37 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 4.4.36: bug #44939 [Form] UrlType should not add protocol to emails (@GromNaN) bug #43149 Silence warnings during tty detection (@neclimdul) bug #45181 [Console] Fix PHP 8.1 deprecation in ChoiceQuestion (@BrokenSourceCode) bug #45140 [Yaml] Making the parser stateless (@mamazu) bug #45103 [Process] Avoid calling fclose on an already closed resource (@Seldaek) bug #45088 [Console] fix parsing escaped chars in StringInput (@nicolas-grekas) bug #45096 [Cache] Throw exception if incompatible version of psr/simple-cache is used (@colinodell) bug #45063 [DependencyInjection] remove arbitratry limitation to exclude inline services from bindings (@nicolas-grekas) bug #44986 [DependencyInjection] copy synthetic status when resolving child definitions (@kbond) bug #45073 [HttpClient] Fix Failed to open stream: Too many open files (@adrienfr) bug #45053 [Console] use STDOUT/ERR in ConsoleOutput to save opening too many file descriptors (@nicolas-grekas) bug #45029 [Cache] Set mtime of cache files 1 year into future if they do not expire (@Blacksmoke16) bug #45012 [DoctrineBridge] Fix invalid guess with enumType (@jderusse) bug #45015 [HttpClient] fix resetting DNS/etc when calling CurlHttpClient::reset() (@nicolas-grekas) bug #44890 [HttpClient] Remove deprecated usage of GuzzleHttp\Promise\queue (@GrahamCampbell) bug #45002 [PropertyAccess] Fix handling of uninitialized property of anonymous class (@filiplikavcan) bug #44979 [DependencyInjection] Add iterable to possible binding type (@vladimir.panivko) bug #44976 [FrameworkBundle] Avoid calling rtrim(null, '/') in AssetsInstallCommand (@pavol-tk, @GromNaN) bug #44879 [DependencyInjection] Ignore argument type check in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass if it's a Definition with a factory (@fancyweb) bug #44931 Allow a zero time-limit for messenger:consume (@fritzmg) bug #44932 [DependencyInjection] Fix nested env var with resolve processor (@Laurent Moreau) bug #44912 [Console] Allow OutputFormatter::escape() to be used for escaping URLs used in (@Seldaek) bug #44878 [HttpClient] Turn negative timeout to a very long timeout (@fancyweb) bug #44854 [Validator] throw when Constraint::_construct() has not been called (@nicolas-grekas) Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more. Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.

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