Daniil 1420 and Konstantin @INSIDERUSSIA ... How to break the “I AM APOLITICAL” mindset? Did Putin kill Navalny? 4d | 1420 Are we going to attack the EU in 3-5 years? 4d | 1420 Young Russians in Moscow about the US: enemy or a partner? 5d | 1420 Daniil 1420 and Konstantin @INSIDERUSSIA 6d | 1420 Should we start liberating Europe? 9d | 1420 Are we finally winning? 13d | 1420 How bad is our economy right now? 15d | 1420 Dissident Russian lady 17d | 1420 Why do we have so many blocked websites?! 23d | 1420 How do we get Alaska back? It was historically Russian! 23d | 1420 1 2 3 4 5 > >> Unirse al grupo Buscar CreadoPasado un díaPasado cuatro díasEl mes pasado Choose a Group1420 Choose a User Ordenar porpor relevanciaUpvotedNuevo primeroRecuento de marcadoresRecuento de comentarios Buscar