[USA][BIZ][5] Performance marketer looking for cofounder.

Hello everyone, I am a marketer and media buyer currently running a small agency part time and looking for a co founder to scale the agency and create a SaaS product and business. I sell high ticket media buying and online advertising services. Couldn't scale by myself because I don't have enough time to hire, train, do the fulfillment and acquire new clients all by myself. Looking for people with experience in one of the following things: -Sales and business development. -operations

3y | Cofounder
[USA][TECH][6] Flipping existing concepts upside down.

While I was researching existing concepts of most popular apps I realized that most of them took existing concept and flipped it on its head. Maybe I'm wrong for some of them Snapchat Existing concept: uploaded images and photos stay online (forever) Flipped: images and photos stay online shortly Vine Existing concept: videos are long Flipped: videos should be short Whatsapp Existing concept: SMS are not free Flipped: SMS are now free Twitter Existing concept: blogs/blogging should have larg

3y | Cofounder
[PT][TECH][5] looking for a Designer for Football Game Manager.

We're in the process of raising our seed round. We're launching a Football game and looking to expand relatively quickly. We are looking for someone with experience in Figma, Material UI, UI/UX, a designer with a lot of creativity and passion for football. Let's talk at the pm! :) submitted by /u/olympikesoft [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/r5rh5w/pttech5_looking_for_a_designer_for_football_game/

3y | Cofounder
[USA-TX][BIZ][3] - CEO looking for a Tech Co-founder.

I’m looking for a tech leader to help bring a new philanthropy product to fruition. Full stack experience required, startup experience a plus! Bonus points if you are in the Austin area. (To be clear, this is a for-profit company). submitted by /u/UncleHoboBill [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/r58b05/usatxbiz3_ceo_looking_for_a_tech_cofounder/

3y | Cofounder
[USA][TECH][20] looking for a Tech Cofounder for a Web3 wallet based on invite only social graph.

I run a small venture studio called First Principle out of New York. I am looking for someone to help me build the next Web3 Wallet based on an invite only model. Not for virality but for security reasons. Anyone who have been invited can invite anyone else but we are establishing a social graph behind the scenes to better map out good vs. bad actors. The idea is to improve security and trust by creating a networked identity graph and increase the sense of responsibility through your association

3y | Cofounder
[CYP][BIZ][3] - CEO looking for a Technical co-founder for a Shopify App.

The Problem: Most people in ecommerce either don’t monetize their customers at all on the backend, or don’t make nearly as much money as they could; And so, they end up being outcompeted, outbid in advertising auctions, and consumed by rising ad costs. Their customer lifetime value sucks — this can even be found among bigger brands. Why? 3 reasons: They don’t know how They don’t have enough products They don’t have time The App: We will offer an automated solution for new stores and establishe

3y | Cofounder
[SGP][Tech][3] - Tech Looking for CMO for a Decentralized Exchange Mobile App.

I’m building the Decentralized Exchange on mobile both android and iOS. The android app are now deployed on play store and iOS are on the way. Our goal is to bring mobile users to the world of smart contract optimize the user experience making user see no different that they are using app that based on blockchain. As above the app is already finish but it’s only me alone in the team with 1 download on store. I’m looking for talented marketing guy or girl to help me out. submitted by

3y | Cofounder
[USA][TECH][1] Technical Founder looking for another Technical Founder to build a web 3 startup.

Hey everyone, Shooting my shot here. Currently, I’m building a DAO tooling startup. I’m super passionate about the space and am definitely looking to double down with someone who want to go all in (idea-IPO). Feel free to reach out if you’re passionate about web 3 and like building stuff + have full-stack experience. Chat soon! submitted by /u/arnavbathla20 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/r3xuyy/usatech1_technical_founder_looking_for_another/

3y | Cofounder
[USA][BIZ][10] - CEO seeking CTO for mapping the future of social.

We have an MVP for a private social event sharing platform; trip, party, adventure sharing within your network. Hosts curate and organize experiences for members of their social networks to request to join and share the costs. Our early release got a ton of traction but as we added host requested features our team and product are not standing up the the necessary complexity. Founder spent a few years as Los Angeles socialite and the product has a huge amount of interest from A-list celebrities a

3y | Cofounder
[DNK][BIZ][15] Founder seeking technical cofounder to revolutionize the affiliate marketing industry.

Hi friends, I’m a highly experienced business founder with two previous exits under the belt. I am looking for a technical co-founder ready to embark on a ride to re-shape how the current affiliate marketing world works. I’m building a data aggregator on top of numerous sources and can guarantee any affiliate marketeer (blogger, influencer, content creator) always to archive the highest payout of each click they generate. I have already done a successful MVP, I have traction, and I’m now ready

3y | Cofounder
