Get Started With React By Building A Whac-A-Mole Game

Want to get started with React but struggling to find a good place to start? This article should have you covered. We’ll focus on some of the main concepts of React and then we’ll be building a game from scratch!

How To Organize Product-Related Assets And Collaborate Better

A good management of your product records, i.e. all documents associated with your product — saves time, reduces anxiety, boosts onboarding and makes you ready for vacations or sudden leaves. All product specialists should know the basics.

Improving The Performance Of Shopify Themes (Case Study)

When dealing with themes for large platforms and CMS, legacy issues often become a bottleneck. In this article, Carson Shold discusses how his team improved the performance and organization of their Shopify themes, and improved maintainability along the way.

Reducing HTML Payload With Next.js (Case Study)

This article showcases a case study of Bookaway’s landing page performance. We’ll see how taking care of the props we send to Next.js pages can make loading times and Web Vitals better.

A Guide To Undoing Mistakes With Git

No matter how experienced you are, mistakes are an inevitable part of software development. But we can learn to repair them! And this is what we'll be looking at in this two-part series: how to undo mistakes using Git.

Smashing Podcast Episode 36 With Miriam Suzanne: What Is The Future Of CSS?

In this episode, we’re starting our new season of the Smashing Podcast with a look at the future of CSS. What new specs will be landing in browsers soon? Drew McLellan talks to expert Miriam Suzanne to find out.

The Evolution Of Jamstack

Web-oriented databases, frameworks like Nuxt and Next.js, and even frameworkless approaches are evolving the Jamstack, but the core principles are more powerful than ever.

May Is In The Air (2021 Wallpapers Edition)

Do you need a little inspiration boost? Well, then our new collection of wallpapers is for you. Designed with love by the community for the community, the wallpapers are available with and without a calendar for May 2021.

The Humble `<img>` Element And Core Web Vitals

Images have also been a key part of the web. They communicate ideas instantly, but they are also a lot heavier than text to load. This means that it’s essential to get loading and displaying them right, if you want to give your users a fantastic first impression. An excerpt from Addy's new book (also, check a free PDF preview). https://sm

Meet Image Optimization, A New Smashing Book By Addy Osmani

The cat is out! For the last year, we’ve been working with Addy Osmani on a new Smashing Book all around image optimization. And now it’s here. Meet “Image Optimization”, our practical modern guide to delivering high-quality images on the web with the best performance.
