Your tech toolbox: The middle ground between tech chaos and rigidity

Do you solve new problems the same way because it's already done? Or do you go with a new approach that offers more benefits?

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What our engineers learned building Stack Overflow (Ep. 547)

Charles “Cobih” Obih and Radek Markiewicz of the Stack Overflow platform team join Ben and Ryan to talk about changes to the inbox and what it’s like to build Stack Overflow’s public platform. 

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Who builds it and who runs it? SRE team topologies

Ad-hoc SRE principles can get you on the right track, but if you want to sustain it long term, you'll need organizational structure.

The post Who builds it and who runs it? SRE team topologies appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

What’s different about these layoffs

As the discouraging news continues, we revisit how our core community of developers has been experiencing the layoffs—and explore what sets this economic situation apart from previous dips and busts.

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Let’s talk large language models (Ep. 546)

The home team unpacks their complicated feelings about AI, the Beyoncé deepfake that got kpop hopes up, and the pandemic’s ripple effects on today’s teenagers. Ben, the world’s worst coder, tells Cassidy and Ceora about building a web app with an AI assistant. 

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Can Stack Overflow save the day?

Tell us how Stack Overflow helped you and enter to win a limited edition key cap!

The post Can Stack Overflow save the day? appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

