Ultra processed foods and the third age of eating - with Chris van Tulleken The future of organ transplantation - with Pankaj Chandak The everyday science of gas - with Mark Miodownik The inside story of parasites – with Scott Gardner and Gabor Racz 2y | The Royal Institution How bloodstain pattern analysis works 2y | The Royal Institution The story of mathematical proof – with John Stillwell 2y | The Royal Institution Unlocking the potential of superconductors - with Felix Flicker 2y | The Royal Institution Computer modelling for molecular science – with Sir Richard Catlow 2y | The Royal Institution Building the universe with mathematics - with Manil Suri 2y | The Royal Institution Do dogs have feelings? – with Jules Howard 2y | The Royal Institution DNA family secrets - with Turi King 2y | The Royal Institution A future with quantum biology - with Alexandra Olaya-Castro 2y | The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2022: Lecture 3/3 – with Sue Black 2y | The Royal Institution << < 23 24 25 26 27 > >> Unirse al grupo Miembros Buscar CreadoPasado un díaPasado cuatro díasEl mes pasado Choose a GroupThe Royal Institution Choose a User Ordenar porpor relevanciaUpvotedNuevo primeroRecuento de marcadoresRecuento de comentarios Buscar