Future prediction: The so-called modern web will die soon

For many years I have been advocating passionately against the so-called "modern web" as it is really nothing more than a poor excuse for not using your brain and instead following the hype and trends of stuffing web applications with unneeded JavaScript and slow and crappy frameworks. But now the time has come when soon the "modern web" will finally die. https://unixsheikh.com/articles/future-prediction-the-so-called-modern-web-will-die-soon.html

3y | unixsheikh
The problems with the GPL

In my previous article "Why you should migrate everything from Linux to BSD", in the License problems section, I very briefly addressed one of the problems with the GPL license. I have since received a few emails asking for elaboration on the subject, which is what I will try to do in this article. https://unixsheikh.com/articles/the-problems-with-the-gpl.html

3y | unixsheikh
Real full disk encryption using GRUB on Artix Linux for BIOS and UEFI

In this tutorial we're going to take a look at setting up full disk encryption on the Artix Linux base system using GRUB for both a BIOS/MBR based setup and a UEFI based setup. While the choice to install in UEFI mode is encouraging, vendor UEFI implementations still carry more bugs than their BIOS/MBR counterparts. You are advised to do a search relating to your particular motherboard model before proceeding. Contrary to "modern" advice I still haven't found any compelling reason to use UEFI ye

3y | unixsheikh
This is how you keep your dignity and not sell your soul

In 2020 Laurent Bercot, the developer of the s6 init tools, was contacted by a recruiter at Google. He wrote an answer which he made public. That answer deserves to be spread far and wide. I present the answer here as a direct copy from the original. https://unixsheikh.com/articles/this-is-how-you-keep-your-dignity-and-not-sell-your-soul.html

3y | unixsheikh
Code has to be simplified until it becomes absolutely correct

systemd is an example of the extreme manifestation of low quality software in the area of system programming. This is because complexity is a very important factor that controls both the creation and defeat of errors, including security related errors. https://unixsheikh.com/articles/code-has-to-be-simplified-until-it-becomes-absolutely-correct.html

3y | unixsheikh
Are you trusting open source blindly? Then you're in for a world of hurt!

So, you normally do pip install foo, or composer install foo, or npm install foo, or perhaps go get foo, and you never read the source code of the package you just pulled down? Well guess what, that's one (almost) sure way to blow up your project! https://unixsheikh.com/articles/are-you-trusting-open-source-blindly-then-you-are-in-for-a-world-of-hurt.html

3y | unixsheikh
JavaScript malware infested nightmare

Are you a JavaScript framework or library fan-boy? One of those frontend developers who cannot figure out how to build a website without completely smothering and drowning everything in JavaScript? Well, if you are, let me share a JavaScript nightmare with you! https://unixsheikh.com/articles/javascript-malware-infested-nightmare.html

3y | unixsheikh
No more object oriented programming with PHP

It has happened again! Another company has contacted me because they had a product developed which has now turned into a huge beast of complexity. Even basic functionality has stopped working and nobody wants to have anything to do with it. It has devastating consequences for the company because they are loosing customers every single day. I have come to the same conclusion, which I have reached in several other similar situations, the codebase is one big pile of complex object oriented mess. ht

3y | unixsheikh
Procedural programming in a nutshell

In my last article No more object oriented programming with PHP I addressed some of the real-life problems that object oriented theory and implementation creates. In this article we'll take a look at some of the benefits of procedural programming and what you need to do, to do it in a proper manner, whether it's PHP, C, or some other programming language. https://unixsheikh.com/articles/procedural-programming-in-a-nutshell.html

3y | unixsheikh

