Find out how you are doing with concentration and image memory. Train your brain threads during pexeso memory game with pictures with the motif of the animated series Peppa Pig. Suitable from the age of 4.
Age Category: 4 +
Made in: Czech Republic
Number of Players: 2-6
Number of Players: 2-4
Number of Players: 1-2
Number of Players: 4-6
Playing Time: 20 min
Playing Time: 20-30 min
Playing Time: 10-20 min
Type of Game: Pexeso
Variant: Peppa Pig
Age Category: 4 +
Made in: Czech Republic
Number of Players: 2-6
Number of Players: 2-4
Number of Players: 1-2
Number of Players: 4-6
Playing Time: 20 min
Playing Time: 20-30 min
Playing Time: 10-20 min
Type of Game: Pexeso
Variant: Peppa Pig