This week, Symfony 3.4.46, 4.4.16 and 5.1.8 maintenance versions were released. In addition, the Symfony 5.2 beta3 version was published. Lastly, the SymfonyWorld 2020 online conference shared more details and unveiled new speakers.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 113 pull requests were merged (91 in code and 22 in docs) and 81 issues were closed (65 in code and 16 in docs). See details for code and docs.
- b64f4f8: updated French translation
- 24c2225: updated Indonesian translation
- dc48444, 7274962: updated Spanish translation
- 5bbd01d: updated Japanese translation
- a28d0eb: updated Persian translation
- a07fab3, 7b8d0ff: updated Slovak translation
- fc806c6: updated Dutch translation
- 3e3d0f1, b42451a, 5b2f6e7: updated Ukrainian translation
- c273db0: updated Turkish translation
- f366593: updated Albanian translation
- 3dedf04: updated Swedish translation
- 48cbe31, 8c6b652: updated Chinese translation
- 19804e1: [DependencyInjection] fixed Preloader exception when preloading a class with an unknown parent/interface
- fdff819: [Cache] fixed expiry could be int in ChainAdapter due to race conditions
- d71c404: [SecurityBundle] inject only compatible token storage implementations for usage tracking
- 35ed927, 1dfa4fa: updated Finnish translation
- 587ed0d: updated Tagalog translation
- 6d13d84: updated Thai translation
- 487908a: updated Hungarian translation
- 4fa4ecd: updated Mongolian translation
- eb37709: updated Greek translation
- 5cc4623: updated Norwegian translation
- 8ef1826: updated Serbian and Bosnian translation
- e44d7f0: updated Galician translation
- 73eb593: updated Afrikaans translation
- df5d950, a4ed043: updated Lithuanian translation
- 8c20b90: [FrameworkBundle] fixed TranslationUpdateCommand failure when using "--no-backup"
- 19585f2: [DoctrineBridge] removed dependency on doctrine/reflection
- 2fb61a4: use short array deconstruction syntax
- 9eeac8d: [PhpUnitBridge] fix wrong check for exporter in ConstraintTrait
- 27341b5: [HttpKernel] don't set a default Accept header in HttpKernelBrowser
- 824bc44: [Security] moved AbstractListener abstract methods to the new FirewallListenerInterface
- 268b5b7: [Console] register signal handling only for commands implemeting SignalableCommandInterface
- 12578c2: [Console] test degraded true colors
- 176f52d: [HttpFoundation] deprecated not passing a Closure together with FILTER_CALLBACK to ParameterBag::filter()
Newest issues and pull requests
- Let's talk about Exception and Log
- [Messenger] Add serializer usage to InMemoryTransport
- JUnit format support for lint:twig (and possibly other CI commands)
- New events for BeforeHandle and AfterHandle
They talked about us
- GraphQL Server With Symfony 4
- Populating ElasticSearch using serialization groups in ApiPlatform
- Déployer une application Symfony ❤️ dans une lambda AWS ☁️
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