The Galaxy S21 might be the smartest phone Samsung has ever made. Like the iPhone 12, it doesn’t have the best specs or the biggest screen. But it delivers where it counts, at a price that’s very attainable for a phone with a full complement of 5G, a high-end camera, and the latest Snapdragon processor. At $800, $29 less than the iPhone 12, and just $100 more than the Pixel 5 and Galaxy S20 FE, the S21 is already a strong contender for smartphone of the year.Android and Galaxy enthusiasts will moan and wail over the things that are missing, which is admittedly a pretty lengthy list: 12GB of RAM, QuadHD+ resolution, expandable microSD storage, MST payment support, earbuds, a glass back, and a charger. But if you aren’t the kind of person who dives deep into spec sheets, the S21 will give you everything you need in a 2021 smartphone at a price that won’t make your eyes water.To read this article in full, please click here
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