A Week of Symfony #737 (8-14 February 2021)

This week, Symfony Panther 1.0 was released, adding many features and improvements to this browser testing and web scraping library. Meanwhile, the Symfony 5 book was updated for Symfony 5.2. Finally, the upcoming Symfony conferences made a last call for submitting speaking and training proposals.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 45 pull requests were merged (22 in code and 23 in docs) and 33 issues were closed (26 in code and 7 in docs). Excluding merges, 19 authors made 6,148 additions and 810 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

c75687f: [FrameworkBundle] fix registering annotations.cache on the container.hot_path 52a999c: [FrameworkBundle] fix freshness checks with boolean parameters on routes 79ccf88: modernize func_get_args() calls to variadic parameters dc20a31: [Finder] use a lazyIterator to close files descriptors when no longer used 4626100: [Finder] mark the LazyIterator class as internal

5.2 changelog:

ec38bab: [Form] forward the label_html option to expanded choice fields b636e66: [RateLimiter] fix sliding_window misbehaving with stale records

5.x changelog:

f93b738: [Notifier] add data field to Firebase options 37e1823: [FrameworkBundle, Messenger] add RouterContextMiddleware 12b9d92: [Uid] add UidFactory to create Ulid and Uuid from timestamps and randomness/nodes d97ab18: [Filesystem] remove dirs atomically if possible 1f067bc: [HttpFoundation] fix consistency in sessions not found exceptions f2f880a: [Filesystem] improve messages on failure c757845: [Security] extract password hashing from security-core with proper wording

Newest issues and pull requests

Turn @return into real types on PHP 8 Easily opt out from Traceable decorations

They talked about us

Using PHP8 attributes with Symfony Value Resolvers User authentication and authorization with shared session in a micro-services architecture based on Symfony Symfony 5 : Mocking private autowired services in Controller functional tests How to build a clean Docker Symfony 5.2 PHP8 PostegreSQL Nginx project Get your SQL functions in DQL Symfony : Bundle icin kolay yapilandirma yapmak

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Created 4y | Feb 14, 2021, 10:20:06 AM

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