[Meta] Requirements for Posting/New mods.

There is a new title format that must be respected to make this reddit easier to use. Format: [LOCAL COUNTRY NAME ISO 3 ALL CAPS][YOUR MAIN ROLE (TECH/BIZ/SALES/HR)][YOUR YEARS EXPERIENCE POSITIVE INT NUMBER or 0] your title ending with period. The ISO-3 names for countries can be found online via google or at https://unstats.un.org/unsd/tradekb/knowledgebase/country-code For Example if I would post for myself: [USA-WA][TECH][30] Tech Co-founder seeks project that lets him love and defend the world while making a lot of money. As time goes by we will edit and modify the requirements around this format and add additional restrictions to the posts being made. As it is, I want to collect data and then do what seem best based on what the data says and not any human bias that may exist in my or the other mods heads. I have sent out a few invites to give me elevator pitches to be mod. If you want to apply for the job, and understand that I don't want passive mods or mods that only post here on Reddit, Message the /r/cofounder team and let us know your interested, what your background and skills are, etc. I would like to reply to everybody who applies but I may not get that opportunity depending on the number of people. Absolutely no commas, backslashes, etc can be used in subjects. Doing so Would violate the rules of formatting anyway so we just made them banned in subjects to make things easier as otherwise enforcement of the format would be much more complicated and error prone, and we don’t want legitimate posts to be removed by automoderator submitted by /u/honestduane [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/gg5xcd/meta_requirements_for_postingnew_mods/

Created 4y | Mar 17, 2021, 9:20:51 PM

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[Meta] Requirements for Posting/New mods.

There is a new title format that must be respected to make this reddit easier to use.



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