At what price does a console become better than a gaming PC? | Ask an expert

Q: What price makes a console a better choice for gaming than a PC? I’m asking both in general and specific to current times, when it’s hard as heck to get my hands on computer components.A: The exact number varies depending on what type of gamer you are. Generally speaking, this question applies when you tend to play games that aren’t PC exclusives and your PC budget is in the same price range as modern consoles. After last fall’s new console launches, that range falls between $300 and $500.To pinpoint it further than that, you’ll need to compare the performance of equivalently priced consoles and gaming PCs, then factor in the genres you play and your general computing needs. So for example, let’s say you only ever play single-player AAA titles, and you like to play them as soon as they come out. You also already have a device that you use for everyday tasks like web browsing and video calling, like an older laptop or PC. So long as you don’t need universal mouse and keyboard support in games, an Xbox Series S, Series X, or PlayStation 5 would be better for gaming. In that price range, the consoles clobber the PC. Moreover, they’ll play everything that comes out during their lifespan, including all big blockbuster games. The last two console generations lasted between seven and eight years—a graphics card you buy today won’t be able to play 2028’s AAA titles at the same graphical fidelity as it does now, but a console will.To read this article in full, please click here

Created 4y | Mar 26, 2021, 11:20:27 AM

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