Back in December, we built a spectacular RGB PC using Lian Li’s O11 Dynamic Mini and Unifans, along with a bunch of AMD parts. It looked great, and thanks to those modular Unifans, had an extremely clean look. Normally when you pack six RGB fans into a case, you end up with a mess of cables to route.Getting the parts needed to replicate that Lian Li x AMD PC is rough going at the moment, though. And between that and another intriguing set of modular fans on the market—InWin’s Saturn line—we decided to do a mirror universe version of the build. Inside will be a 10th-gen Core i7-10700K and a Z490 board, and we even found a case that’s a near duplicate of the O11 Dynamic (not a Mini version, alas, but close enough).To read this article in full, please click here
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