This week, the upcoming Symfony 5.3 version introduced ConfigBuilder classes to configure packages using fluent and semantic PHP methods instead of plain arrays, it added a feature to autowire arguments using attributes, improved performance of Intl component by switching resources from JSON to PHP and introduced a handleForm() helper in the AbstractController class.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 101 pull requests were merged (58 in code and 43 in docs) and 37 issues were closed (25 in code and 12 in docs). Excluding merges, 53 authors made 356,601 additions and 347,853 deletions. See details for code and docs.
4.4 changelog:
e05b4ef: [HttpKernel] minor fixes and tweaks in the Symfony Welcome Page 8c43fac: [Cache] apply NullAdapter as Null Object e1f2e81: [SecurityBundle] empty line starting with dash under "access_control" causes all rules to be skipped 094b459: [FrameworkBundle] fix missing class in messenger service locator definitions 236e61b: [PropertyInfo] use the right context for methods defined in traits d5e8d6e: [HttpFoundation] RequestMatcher issue when _controller is a closure 3a021a7: [DoctrineBridge] add support for a driver type "attribute" a24f389: [Console] added phpdocs to InputOption constants
5.2 changelog:
ade71f0: [WebProfilerBundle] use ControllerReference instead of URL in twig render() 094b459: [FrameworkBundle] fix missing class in messenger service locator definitions 449c60f: [FrameworkBundle] fix array controller link in debug:router
5.x changelog:
9092d5b: [Notifier] inject Mailer instead of service locator for FakeSms and FakeChat 40b4ff8: [Messenger] add X-Ray trace header support to the SQS transport 64cc548: [Security] deprecate using UsageTrackingTokenStorage outside the request-response cycle ff0cf61: [MonologBridge] reset loggers on workers 02704e9: [Workflow] add Mermaid.js dumper 3bfd7bb: [Security] remove experimental status of LoginLink c69cc3f: [Security] stop using a shared changelog for our security packages 44bb691, b1da7bd: [Config, DependencyInjection] add configuration builder for writing PHP config 87d031c: [Messenger] support Redis Cluster dd919a7: [DependencyInjection] autowire arguments using attributes cc29772: [Notifier] add SmsBiuras notifier bridge 672ec7f: [FrameworkBundle] add argument KernelInterface to BuildDebugContainerTrait::getContainerBuilder() b2f269e: [Form] add support for sorting fields 6e02d8b: [Security] remove the experimental flag from the authenticator system 1a4bd73: improve deprecation message for session 48ae511: [DependencyInjection, Routing] access environment in PHP config 3b10824: [Config, FrameworkBundle] add CacheWarmer for ConfigBuilder f14b1bf: [Routing] fix supporting string "methods" and "schemes" on the Route annotation 501c310: [Intl] switch from JSON to PHP resources 236e61b: [PropertyInfo] use the right context for methods defined in traits 1ca10f5: [Notifier] add MessageBird notifier bridge 549c097: [FrameworkBundle] add AbstractController::handleForm() helper 0eebd9e: [Security] add passport to AuthenticationTokenCreatedEvent 2edebff: [FrameworkBundle] add missing notifier transport factories to framework extension 4cac9cf: [DependencyInjection] add #[When(env: 'foo')] to skip autoregistering a class when the env doesn't match 3fd41ce: [FrameworkBundle] add basic tests for the notifier framework bundle integration d8e4af2: [FrameworkBundle, Notifier] fix wrong class name usage 1a87c72: [SecurityBundle] deprecate public services to private
Newest issues and pull requests
[DX] Static vs. runtime env vars [Form] Add option choice_html to allow HTML content in ChoiceType labels Feature request: fight against Google FLoC [HttpFoundation][DX] Don't add the whole response to test failure description
They talked about us
Login Link (password less) with Symfony The new features of the Symfony Security component from 5.2 How to manually sign-in a registered user in Symfony 5 JoliCode: Retour sur le SymfonyLive Online French Edition 2021 Prestashop: Retour sur le SymfonyLive Online French Edition 2021
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