Elastic for Education: How we support students and educators

Launched in May 2020, the Elastic for students and educators program provides the resources and support necessary to bring our products and solutions into classrooms around the world. Whether it’s through provisioning Elastic Cloud accounts for students to use during their course, extending access to premium features like machine learning to propel research, or working with universities to design partnership programs to help prepare students for their future careers, Elastic is committed to education and inspiring the future workforce.  An educator uses Elastic Cloud to power data visualizationLuis Francisco Sanchez Merchante, Assistant Professor in the Department of Telematics and Computer Science at Comillas University in Madrid, Spain, is part of the Elastic Cloud for education program that extends free cloud instances to students and educators for academic use. Luis explained how this program helps power improved data visualization in his course.  In his own words:  We introduced Elastic products with the purpose of improving our data visualization programs. We intended to provide our students with a differential industry-oriented education. Most visualization courses in the market focus on multi-purpose applications implementing use cases based on data files. Multi-purpose visualization tools are amazing. We indeed train our students on their use. Introducing new sessions with tools like Kibana, we provide our students with a wider knowledge that will allow them to have better criteria to decide the best alternatives depending on the use case. I have complete faith that the use of actual data pipelines with ingestion tools like Filebeat or Logstash and big data databases like Elasticsearch prepares our students for real industrial environments. In addition to these benefits, using an Elastic Cloud deployment has been and still is of great help. Recent limitations due to mobility restrictions have proved that cloud deployments are the best option for academia. They have proved to be a great alternative to the university's on-premises resources when a significant proportion of students attended our sessions from home. Every six months we anonymously survey our students and we get confirmation that our students understand the usefulness of data visualization. That’s why this program today registers around 250 students when only two years ago there were only 50 of them.


Created 4y | Apr 28, 2021, 3:20:58 PM

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