We can't wait to meet you online next month for SymfonyWorld 2021! We've announced last week the first selected speakers and the first Keynotes scheduled at the international conference on June 17 and 18. We'll meet you for an entire week of Symfony:
2-day online pre-conference workshops on June 15-16 2-day online conference with 2 tracks per day on June 17-18
The entire event, workshops and conference will be organized online in English. All talks will have English subtitles and will be available in replay as soon as the conference ends.
Meet now more selected Keynotes and more speakers of the SymfonyWorld 2021 conference:
Ryan Weaver, Symfony Documentation lead, Symfony Core Team member and trainer at SymfonyCasts, will be speaking at the closing Keynote on the second day of the conference about "A Dynamic Frontend with Twig & Zero JavaScript? Say Hello to...". Traditional web apps are back! The Symfony UX initiative - with tools like Stimulus & Turbo - makes it possible to built your HTML using Twig templates but with a "single-page experience" and professionally written JavaScript. Could we go further? Alexandre Salomé, Software Engineer at Blackfire.io, will share his experience about "Symfony Forms: Advanced Use Cases". The Symfony Form component offers many features out of the box. It covers 80% of use cases, but how do you deal with the 20% left? If you have read the documentation, you probably know how to use it. But do you know how it works? To implement your business on top of Symfony Form, you must know how it works under the hood, and how you can extend it. I will illustrate those underlying concepts. Bastien Jaillot, Architect, will talk about "Feedback on our use of Varnish". On a large French e-commerce site, we use Varnish as HTTP cache. We use it for the API as well as for the HTML front ends. We use ESI, with user-context-hashes allowing us to do authenticated caching. We mix invalidation by tags but also by TTL. This is feedback to explain the choices we had to make, how we use it, what it brings us. We'll also answer a lot of questions that people have about HTTP caching in practice. Guillaume Loulier, Developer, will speak about "Cypress, the E2E must learn from the past". In this talk, we'll learn what is Cypress, an E2E framework which is growing (companies like Paypal, Disney, Github, Slack and so on uses it every day). We'll see how to integrate it into a Symfony application and ease his usage, maintenance and write future-proof tests. Baptiste Leduc, Web Consultant, will explain to you why "You need an AutoMapper, but you don't know it yet!". It is quite common for a developer to have to map data. In the long run, this kind of code is boring to write. Why not generate it automatically? This is the promise that AutoMapper tries to solve: generating the code needed to map one data to another (array, class, etc.) Through this talk, we will first see the Symfony Serializer and how it works. Then, we will discover how AutoMapper takes advantage of the Serializer ecosystem while revolutionizing the Normalizer concept by adding code generation, thus drastically boosting performance!
All the pre-conference workshop topics have been announced! Choose your workshop now among a combo of two one-day workshops or one two-day workshop:
Building modular and interactive applications with Symfony UX by trainer Titouan Galopin, 1-day workshop on June 15th. RESTful Webservices in Symfony by trainer Jan Schädlich, 1-day workshop on June 15th. Profiling Symfony & PHP apps by trainer Jérôme Vieilledent, 1-day workshop on June 16th. API development with API Platform by trainer Kévin Dunglas, 1-day workshop on June 16th. Symfony Security in Depth by trainer Andreas Hucks, 1-day workshop on June 16th. Mastering OOP & Design Patterns by trainer Hugo Hamon, 2-day workshop on June 15-16. Symfony 5: the fast track by trainer Nicolas Grekas, 2-day workshop on June 15-16.
Book now your workshop only ticket, combo workshop and conference ticket or conference only ticket! Join us there!
More speakers will be announced soon, stay tuned!
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