[EU][TECH][1] I have an app which is close to being finished but need someone who knows how to execute the launch properly.

Basically, I have been working on a web app for the past couple of months. It is a customer relationship app which is something like a loyalty program. There is a local company which does pretty much the same thing as this, but their problem is that it's a terrible user experience. I basically took their app, made it look nice, improved the user experience to the point where it's super easy and nice to use and I implemented a bunch of features which they don't have. Also another problem of the company I mentioned above is that they only target local customers, while my solution is open to be used by anyone around the world. I also still have a few more ideas that I would love to implement eventually, but I'd prefer to slowly start bringing customers in right now. So what do I need you for? Well, I have a couple of issues. First of all, I can not currently open a business in my name, otherwise I lose the ability to attend my university for free of charge. With this, there's another problem, which is receiving funds from customers. Without opening a company, how do you collect funds from customers? Currently I am planning on implementing some form of subscription based payments. I would also love to get some beta testers to see what they think of the app as of right now. After all that is figured out, I would start talking about marketing and things like that... So if you're someone who knows any way to help me solve some of these problems and you might have some experience with launching an app, reach out to me! Thanks. submitted by /u/randomseller [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/nnml9z/eutech1_i_have_an_app_which_is_close_to_being/

Created 4y | May 29, 2021, 1:21:14 PM

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