Symfony 5.2.12 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
bug #42212 [Lock] Handle lock with long key (@jderusse) bug #42223 [Debug][ErrorHandler] Do not use the php80 polyfill (@nicolas-grekas) bug #42207 [Console] fix table setHeaderTitle without headers (@a1812) bug #42130 [Translation] fix fallback to Locale::getDefault() (@nicolas-grekas) bug #42184 [Mailer] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking (@Nyholm) bug #42091 [Console] Run commands when implements SignalableCommandInterface without pcntl and they have’nt signals (@PaolaRuby) bug #42150 [Form] Fix ‘invali _message’ use in multiple ChoiceType (@alexandre-daubois) bug #42183 [Notifier] Allow passing a previous throwable to exceptions (@derrabus) bug #42182 [Notifier] Make sure Http TransportException is not leaking (@Nyholm) bug #42173 [Messenger] [Redis] Fix auth option wrongly considered invalid (@chalasr) bug #42174 Indicate compatibility with psr/log 2 and 3 (@derrabus) bug #42112 [HttpFoundation] fix FileBag under PHP 8.1 (@alexpott) bug #42131 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix composer resolution on Windows (@Rainrider) bug #42097 [DependencyInjection] Support for intersection types (@derrabus) bug #42114 [HttpFoundation] Fix return types of SessionHandler::gc() (@derrabus) bug #42099 [VarDumper] Support for intersection types (@derrabus) bug #42011 [Cache] Support decorated Dbal drivers in PdoAdapter (@Jeroeny) bug #42068 Add a Special Case for Translating Choices in e _U _POSIX (@chrisguitarguy) bug #42074 Fix ctyp _digit deprecation (@alexpott) bug #42084 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the values of some CSS properties (@javiereguiluz) bug #42079 [FrameworkBundle] Fixed file operations in Sodium vault seal (@javiereguiluz) bug #42067 [Messenger] [Redis] Make auth option works (@welcoMattic) bug #42054 [DoctrineBridge] fix setting default mapping type to attribute/annotation on php 8/7 respectively (@nicolas-grekas) bug #42059 [Messenger] Fixed BC layer for RedeliveryStamp (@Nyholm) bug #42049 [TwigBridge] do not render the same label id attribute twice (@xabbuh) bug #42032 [HttpKernel] recover from failed deserializations (@xabbuh) bug #42035 [Messenger] Fix us _notify default value for PostgreSqlConnection (@tgalopin) bug #41990 [Lock] fix derivating semaphore from key (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40529 [Translation] Missing translations from traits (@insekticid) bug #41384 Fix SkippedTestSuite (@jderusse) bug #41966 [Console] Revert “bug #41952 fix handling positional arguments” (@chalasr, @nicolas-grekas) bug #41905 [EventDispatcher] Correct the called event listener method case (@JJsty1e) bug #41952 [Console] fix handling positional arguments (@nicolas-grekas) bug #41887 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix deprecation handler with PHPUnit 10 (@YaFou)
WARNING: 5.2.12 is the last version for the Symfony 5.2 branch. If some of your projects are still using this version, consider upgrading as soon as possible. Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more. Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.
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