5 omnichannel trends to integrate into your marketing strategy in 2022

Omnichannel’s steady march to ubiquity has continued over the past decade. It seems like literally every brand is now omnichannel. Or are they? According to a report by McKinsey&Company: We find that retailers are often swayed by new technologies that sound promising, but too often don’t deliver. In all the buzz, brands are struggling to be present everywhere, all the time. New platforms and tools are cropping up presenting new opportunities in both the digital and physical marketing space. So where can your brand add the most value in 2022? We listed a few of the most promising trends, and…This story continues at The Next Web https://thenextweb.com/news/5-omnichannel-trends-integrate-into-marketing-strategy-2022

Created 3y | May 31, 2022, 10:21:57 AM

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